On the Twelfth Day of COVID

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Bold in Life

It’s been one week since I received my positive Covid test results. Just when I thought I had squeaked through 2020 unscathed… 


But ‘tis the season (or rather, the year) for suffering and if you’re following along with Jane’s Advent retreat, you’re already reflecting on this theme. 


As disciples of Christ, we are called to embrace and rejoice in our sufferings. After all, it is in suffering that we are sanctified. 


If God sends you many sufferings, it is a sign that He has great plans for you and certainly wants to make you a saint. – St. Ignatius Loyola


Whether you’ve been exposed to Covid or have it yourself (or live in a state where the ‘stay-at-home’ order is back) the days looming ahead might seem rather bleak. 


Try starting each day with some quality time with the Lord… and then check out a few ideas below on how to make the next two+ weeks of quarantine a little more joyful 🙂 


Day 1: Watch a Hallmark Christmas Movie


Nothing beats a good Hallmark– am I right? Whether you’re still looking for your prince charming or he’s right next to you (pretending he’s not enjoying the movie as much, or more, than you), I promise these flicks will give you all the warm fuzzies. 


My favorite? The Most Wonderful TIme of the Year (2008) with Brooke Burns. Highly recommend. 


Day 2: Pray the Rosary 


In times of frustration and feeling “stuck” during quarantine, the rosary has re-centered me and given me the peace and strength I need to persevere through the day. 


And what better time to start than Advent? Try to keep this one up through the rest of your quarantine days 🙂 


Day 3: Finish Your Christmas Shopping 


..or at least put a dent in it. I might be the only one who didn’t do my Christmas shopping on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but if you’re on the same page — now is the perfect time. 


Already finished your shopping list? Treat yourself to some fun new Christmas socks or a fresh piece of athleisure wear that you can get away with on your work zoom call. 


Day 4: Pamper Yourself 


….or maybe it’s just a basic upkeep? Wherever you’re at– no judgement.


I woke up on Day 4 of quarantine with my hair in dreads. It was a situation that even a comb couldn’t reconcile. After a nice long shower (with an extra dose of conditioner), I felt like a million bucks. 


If you’ve got the whole ‘basic upkeep’ thing down, then go one step further. Maybe give yourself a blowout or paint your nails. When you look better, you feel better. 


Day 5: Soak in Some Vitamin D! 


This might be tricky for anyone quarantined in their bedroom, but for those who have a backyard or balcony, make it a point to soak in those rays. Even if it’s just 5-10 minutes a day. 


I realize I’m making the assumption that you’re in a state where it’s sunny. If there’s no sun where you are, keep taking those vitamins!


Day 6: Dress Your Pet 


…for some laughs and festive pics (and IG content, of course). I can’t wait to dress my German Shepard in light-up reindeer ears and a festive XXL quilted sweater… 


Don’t have a pet? Buy one! (just kidding) But really, they are GREAT for moral support and comfort. 


Day 7: Read A Saint Book 


As we learned from St. Ignatius Loyola, the more we suffer, the more God is showing us how He wants us to become saints. So what better way to learn how to embrace and rejoice in our suffering than reading about the lives of the saints? 


I just started “I Believe In Love” by Fr. Jean C.J. D’elbee — a personal retreat based on the teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux. Below is one of my favorite quotes so far:


“These trials are graces, because they are occasions for pure faith. Pure love is realized in pure faith, and pure faith is realized in darkness in the same way as ‘strength is perfected in weaknesses.’” 


Day 8: Stretch It Out 


…with Christmas hits, of course. 


For those of you recovering from being sick, be gentle with yourself. You might (like me) be antsy after sitting on the couch for a week, but be patient. 


When you’re feeling up for it, do some light stretching to get your blood flowing. Madfit’s daily stretch routine is one of my favorites. 


Day 9: Start a New Puzzle 


All puzzled out? No such thing! Order a festive holiday puzzle online and give your eyes a break from the screen. 


Day 10: Order Christmas Cards 


If you happened to score a great picture of your pet on Day 6, I’d definitely encourage you to add it to the card. Don’t have a pet or S.O.? No need for a photo. Order some blank Christmas cards and send a note to your closest family and friends. 


Day 11: Decorate a Gingerbread House 


If you can secure a gingerbread house during your lockdown, spend the afternoon decorating your tasty Winter Wonderland. 


Not quite there? Watch Food Network’s Holiday Baking Championship. That should give you your baking fix. 


Day 12: Donate To Your Favorite Charity 


You might remember the gospel from a few weeks ago: “…whatever you do for one of these least brothers of mine, you do for me” (Matthew 25:40). But how are we supposed to help others when we can’t leave the house?


While it might not be as ‘hands-on,’ donating to your local homeless shelter, giving a little extra to your parish, or doing a virtual giving tree, are just a few ways we can share our treasures this season.  



You made it! Well, almost. Your quarantine might not be over, but you’re twelve days closer. And hopefully grew closer to Christ along the way. 

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Kelly Powers

Kelly lives in San Francisco, CA. She’s a graduate from Saint Mary’s College of California and works as a marketing manager at eBay. Outside of work, she’s either teaching hip hop classes, watching sports, reading, or eating at the infamous Bob’s Donuts.

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