Combatting the Most Dangerous Lie

by | Oct 12, 2021 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

One of the most dangerous lies of the enemy is that we’re alone; that we’re the only one feeling a certain way or struggling with a certain hurt.⁣


It’s this lie that causes us to withdraw from our sources of joy, from communities that love us, and from activities that fill us up.⁣


When we feel like we’re alone, we believe that no one can understand or relate. This isolation, this fear – it’s the name of the enemy’s game.⁣


Last week, I fell right into the trap. A few small events triggered a lie that knocked me over. I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, and, worst of all, alone.⁣


It was halfway through the week when a friend reached out and confessed that she was struggling with the same lie. In that moment, I felt the weight fall from my shoulders. I wasn’t alone. We were both fighting this, and all of the sudden, the lie shriveled up and lost its power.


I talk so much about spiritual attack because I don’t think we address it enough. The enemy is so smart and so conniving and will pull any little string he can to unravel our trust in God. Even though I know this and even though I’m always trying to stay on guard, he doesn’t stop trying. ⁣


Sister, if you’re struggling with a lie, if you’re believing something that’s stealing your peace and threatening your joy, you are NOT alone. Bring the lie into the light. Let those around you love you. And if you don’t have someone in your life who can affirm you and remind you of the truth, of your identity as a beloved daughter of God, then message me and I will.⁣


We are in this together! I’m praying for you, please pray for me!



In Christ,





What we’re loving lately (on the blog and beyond!)



Belovedness by Sarah Kroger


Oooh this song has been on repeat all week. I truly think it would be the best alarm to wake up to! Add it to your morning playlist today.





This is the app that Kristen and I talk about during our episode this week! I’ve been using Daylio for over a year now to track my habits, activities, and moods. It’s a super simple app that allows you to customize the setup to use as a daily bullet journal. I love it because I can set goals, maintain streaks and compare months/weeks/days based on each individual variable. If that’s your jam, I couldn’t recommend it more! And no, sadly, I am still not getting paid to promote this app.




Liturgical Living with Gabriela R. A. Doyle

While the rosary is traditionally seen as being given from Mary to St. Dominic in legend, the prayer also has a rich history beyond this saint and his followers. What began as 150 “Our Fathers” and 150 “Hail Mary’s” became the prayer we know today. In honor of a Christian victory over the Turks attributed to the recitation of the prayer, St. Pius V established the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in 1573, and it is now celebrated each October 7 (Source).


If you struggle with staying focused during the rosary, I highly recommend “Praying the Rosary Like Never Before” by Edward Sri. This book is full of practical ways to re-invent the prayer for yourself, and I’ll share two of my favorites here.


  1. In the middle of each “Hail Mary,” pause when you say the name “Jesus.” This simple act can re-center the prayer, helping you to avoid rushing through and reminding you of the mystery you are meditating on.
  2. After speaking Jesus’s name, add a phrase to the prayer along the lines of something Jesus did. For example, “…blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who suffered and died for my sins…blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who is near me even when I feel lost.” I can personally attest that putting yourself and your own experiences into the prayer keeps you focused and opens up a whole new way to think about each mystery.




Intentions for This Week


For a special intention. For those experiencing fear and anxiety. For our communities.



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Jane Kennedy

Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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