Made Perfect In Weakness

by | Jan 12, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Coming in hot on a Wednesday (whoops!) but didn’t want to miss the week so I’m here and asking for your forgiveness… which is right in line with this week’s theme!

The beginning of the year comes with so many opportunities and challenges, and it’s so common to throw around “new year, new me.” I’ve been guilty of naming intense resolutions that fall apart by the second week of the year, only to beat myself up about failing before committing to something even more unreasonable. I think our culture puts immense pressure on perfection, on performance, and ultimately on ourselves. We can easily shift into thinking “It’s up to me” instead of “it’s up to God.”

I’m in the midst of a week of internship interviews. I’ve been in stressful situations before, but this might be one of the toughest. As a business school student, your summer internship is ridiculously important. We’ve all left the workforce for the chance to step into another job, in another industry, ideally at a top company. And so we spent our entire fall semester training, networking, and practicing for this week of interviews. The thought that it might not work out, that we might choke or mess up or fail to get an offer after literal MONTHS of sacrifice and hard work is terrifying.

Yesterday morning, I had my first interview. It was going well, until I made the absolute silliest math mistake ever. As I tried to crank out some long division, it took all I had to stop myself from thinking, “Great job, Jane, you just bombed it. So much for employment!” For the next seven hours, I stressed over the one math problem. How could I not have practiced enough long division? I kept my phone near me all day, waiting for the call that would either push me to the next round or cut my candidacy then and there.

But all day, there was a small voice in the back of my mind – what if, in this moment, Jesus was allowing my weakness to showcase His strength? What if the reason it didn’t go perfectly was so that He could demonstrate His goodness, and remind me that I am not in control? He’s done it before. In fact, He does it every day – taking my weaknesses and turning them into something beautiful, something that leaves no doubt that He did it.

Last night, I received a call that I didn’t need to participate in the second round, because I had the offer. Even typing it now shocks me. After months and months of work, a couple of 40 minute interviews, a rough mistake, and a day of worrying, I had the offer! Jesus saw my desires, responded in love, used my weakness, and brought something to fruition I had only dreamed of.

I don’t think that everything works out this way. Many times my weaknesses are showcased and the outcome isn’t want I wanted. But I know that in every situation, He is carrying me, and that relieves so much of the pressure I put on myself. I know that the results are always in my best interest, even when I don’t understand. As Romans 8:28 reminds us, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

In what ways have you seen Him work in your weakness? I love hearing these stories because I think they can inspire us to live more boldly and to step out in courage (my word of the year!).

God bless you this week and I promise next week’s SundayMonday Tuesday will, in fact, launch on a Tuesday! ?

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately

Cheer Season 2

It’s here it’s here!! I devoured season one and cannot recommend this show enough. It’s about a super successful junior college cheer team that is filled with the most beautiful people with incredible stories. It’s heartwarming, fun, and very bingeable.

Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano

I read this book cover to cover on my flight back to New York last week. Such a fun read, it’s about a mystery writer whose mistaken for a contract killer and gets hired to kill a woman’s philandering husband. It’s a funny page-turner, and a great way to get started on your book goal for the year!

The Podcast is coming back!

We’re getting ready to launch season two of the podcast (yay!) and want to hear from you. What topics would you like us to cover? Are there any dream guests on your list? Reply to this email and let us know!

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