Living Lent at Work

by | Feb 22, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Can you believe that Lent starts NEXT WEEK?! It’s crazy. So… what are you giving up?

This period before Lent is always an interesting one because there are often lots of ideas swirling around. Should I give up Instagram? My airpods? Videos? YouTube? Once I start thinking about everything that pulls my attention away from God, I can’t stop. But giving everything up and stepping away from the world isn’t God’s call on my life, and if you’re reading this on your phone or laptop or on the way to work, I’m guessing it’s not your call either. So how do we live Lent in our lives, and most importantly, how do we live it joyfully?

We are called to be witnesses to Christian joy in our lives. The way that we live Lent directly impacts the people around us. They see the fruits of our sacrifices, our additions, and our penances. So the question is – what are those fruits, and how can we ensure they glorify God and point others to Him?

As I pray through what God is calling me to offer up this Lent, I’m thinking a lot about joy. How can I maintain joy, peace, and presence in this season? What can I offer up or add to my plate that will increase this joy? More prayer, more community, more quiet time – these things are good. Cutting out all the noise, putting my phone down, watching less tv – these things are good. Let’s go to prayer this week and invite the Lord to reveal to us how we can grow closer to Him and deeper in joy this Lent.

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately

Working Women Wednesday is Going!

Did you catch our first Working Women Wednesday this week? It was so good, and featured our incredible Lauren Lewis sharing her experiences as a Financial Analyst at Gallup! If you missed it, you can find the videos on our profile under highlights. We have a very special guest this week, so be sure to visit our Instagram on Wednesday to tune in!

Anna Karenina

On the advice of my dear friend Jace, I’ve picked up Anna Karenina and I’m devouring it. I had no idea that this mammoth book would be so wildly addictive! It’s incredible. If you’re looking for a fascinating read, I highly recommend it.

Pride and Prejudice

This is such a good movie. If you’re looking for a heartwarming story, stunning music and costumes, and just a little escape from the wildness of the world, I encourage you to go and watch this (or rewatch this)!

Prayer Requests

  • For a friend undergoing surgery next week
  • For a prayerful preparation for Lent

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