Lenten Retreat Week Six: Living Holy Week with Intention

by | Apr 10, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Hello friends, and welcome to the final week of our Lenten Retreat!

The mission of The SundayMonday is to encourage and equip all of us to be bold in our faith, work, and life. Each Sunday this Lent, we’ll be sending out a reflection on the Gospel and how it pertains to living our faith at work. My prayer is that these short, practical emails will propel us all into the work week, ready to tackle anything that might be thrown at us with peace, joy, and courage.

This week’s Gospel is Lk 22:14—23:56 here, or scroll to the bottom of the email and come back up for the reflection.

The Reflection

Today we enter into Holy Week. Today, mass begins with waving palms and ends with the Passion and death of Jesus.

Throughout Lent, it’s so easy to slip into forgetfulness when it comes to our fasts. More often than I’d like to admit, I’m just like Christ’s disciples, falling asleep in the garden during prayer. But Holy Week is different – because I choose to be extra intentional with how I spend my time and how I prepare for Easter. It started during the first COVID Holy Week. Churches were closed, and we couldn’t attend any of the masses of the week in person. In an effort to make it “different,” I decided to read one of my favorite books, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, as a three-day retreat during the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.)

That Holy Week was transformative. I entered into Easter with such presence, such joy, and such intention. Last year, even though the churches were open, I read Consoling again, and experienced another incredible Easter. And although I love this book (it’s my most gifted book on Amazon by far), I’m not here to tell you that you have to read it. I’m here to invite you to make this Holy Week different.

Attend adoration on Holy Thursday. Block an hour between noon and three on Friday to reflect on Christ’s passion. Take a media fast from Friday through Easter. Read a spiritual book. Watch The Passion of the Christ. Do something that anchors your heart and mind in this week, in what He has done for us, and in the great gift of His mercy.

Please know of my prayers this week! May you have a blessed Holy Week.

In Christ,


Prayer Requests

  • For a blessed and intentional Holy Week




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