27 Lessons for 27 Years of Life

by | Jun 21, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Hi friends! Can you believe we’re almost all the way through June?! Completely wild.

I’m on the train right now headed up to my first week of training for my summer internship! I’m excited to meet other interns from the mid-Atlantic offices and learn even more about the job I’m getting myself into. This Friday, I’ll find out my project for the summer: who is on my team, where (or if) I’m traveling, and what the work entails. Would you mind throwing a prayer up for me, that I get placed exactly where God needs me?

In other news, I’ve been 27 for two months exactly today, and I was so excited to share this list of “27 Lessons Learned During 27 Years” – but alas, I didn’t get around to posting it until now. I love this idea of reflecting on lessons as they occur, and hope that they’re encouraging and helpful to you! I’d love to hear from you – which one of these have you seen ring true in your life? Are there any other lessons you’d add to the list? Please reply and let me know!

27 Lessons for 27 Years

  1. When you lose something, look where you lost it
  2. If you finish a test before the time is up, stay anyway. You’ll almost always catch a mistake and gain points.
  3. Sitting down to pray for 10 minutes often becomes 30
  4. Going for a walk is always a good idea
  5. Reading books is almost always more restful than watching tv
  6. Call the people you miss, they’re probably missing you too
  7. Just because it’s a “good thing” doesn’t make it a good thing for you
  8. If you have the opportunity to live somewhere new, say yes
  9. Say what you mean, mean what you say
  10. One uncomfortable conversation is much better (and quicker) than a long period of uncomfortable feelings
  11. Find (and meet with) a spiritual director.
  12. Re-read favorite books, especially spiritual ones. Something new stands out every time.
  13. Get to know the doorman/bodega man/priest/lady downstairs. It’s nice to see a friendly face who is willing and happy to help if you need them
  14. Good discernment requires both head and heart. If one of them is off, give it a chance to catch up. If it can’t catch up, the answer is probably clear.
  15. Find three favorite meals that don’t take too long to prepare, and you’ll always have something to eat
  16. Make lists of your favorite activities, restaurants, coffee shops and churches in your city so you can copy and paste whenever someone requests recommendations
  17. It’s always better to be overdressed than underdressed
  18. Wear real clothes on airplanes – you never know who might be on the flight (like the one time I wore sweats and sat next to our CEO)
  19. Don’t gossip. It’s a lose-lose-lose: it always gets back to the person, it makes you look bad to the person you’re talking to, and it makes you feel gross inside
  20. Outgrowing a dream is a good thing. Let it go and make space for a new one
  21. If you’re feeling sad or overwhelmed or discouraged, call a loved one and share what’s on your mind. Once something comes into the light, it has way less power over us.
  22. It’s okay to say no to a date. I promise he’s not the last guy who will think you’re pretty. Don’t settle for less than you want and deserve
  23. Sometimes (most of the time) the very best things for us are the ones that force us out of our comfort zones. Be courageous
  24. 99% of the time, what we’re worrying about never even comes to fruition. Worrying sucks joy from the present and steals peace from the future.
  25. It’s okay to say no without giving an excuse.
  26. Always strive to leave people and places better than you found them.
  27. God’s plan is impossible to predict but also impossible to beat in its generosity and goodness. Give Him space to work.

There you have it! Have a blessed week, and be sure to follow us on Instagram @thesundaymonday_ to follow along with my first week back at work!

God Bless,


What we’re loving lately

Podcast Episode 55: Battling Loneliness | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

Ahh the battle of loneliness. We’ve all been there – that Friday night without plans, that day you just want to celebrate with friends over dinner but don’t know who to ask, that sunny day perfect for a picnic but you’re headed out to read alone… Why is it that loneliness cuts us so deeply, is so common, yet leaves us feeling so helpless? In this episode, I talk about the battle against loneliness, share super practical ways to cultivate (fun, normal, deep) friendships, and bring the longing to God through specific prayer.

Daily Rosaries

For the past couple of months, I’ve been in the habit of praying rosaries almost daily. It’s been remarkable how much of a shift I’ve experienced in my spirit with this little habit. I offer each decade for a specific intention, which has made me feel closer to the people around me who are asking for prayers or who I’ve offered the decade for. It also carves out 15-20 minutes in my day when I’m not being interrupted or distracted by my phone or other noises. If you’re looking for a daily habit to pick up to deepen your prayer life and powerfully intercede for those you love, I can’t recommend it more. I just got this gorgeous new rosary from West Coast Catholic and I’m the biggest fan (not an ad, I just love it!)

Gloria Purvis and Archbishop Cordileone Podcast Interview

We all saw the Archbishop of San Francisco’s statement about Nancy Pelosi and the eucharist a few weeks ago, and this podcast brought me a lot of peace about the decision, which honestly had left me pretty unsettled. I’m so grateful to both Gloria and the Archbishop for taking the time to have a thoughtful conversation, and listening to his reasoning and process behind the decision was insightful. I encourage you to listen to it if you’re interested in the news.

Prayer Requests

  • For Mark who is battling cancer, and for all those in the fight against cancer and their families.
  • For a special intention

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Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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