“I Had No Idea You Were Catholic”

by | Jun 7, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Hello and welcome back to the newsletter! After three weeks of crazy travel from Dublin to Milan to Venice to Rome back to New York to pack up and move to DC (and then head to Santa Barbara for the weekend), I’m so glad to be back at the keyboard writing this newsletter. The adventures and graces of the past few weeks have been incomparable, and I can’t wait to unpack and share them with you. I’m also starting my internship next week, so there will be plenty of content for this newsletter and season three of the podcast (dropping soon!) on the way.

Today I want to reflect on a conversation I had with a friend the evening before leaving New York. We were enjoying a sunset cocktail in Chelsea (the NYC dream), and she said “a priest told me recently that the biggest insult we can receive is being told ‘Oh, I didn’t know you were catholic!'”

I’ve been thinking this through for the past few days, since it’s pretty opposite to how I’ve approached my life for the past few years. My philosophy has been to catch people with my normal, fun personality and then slowly reveal my faith. I tell myself it’s an effort to make myself accessible, to not scare people away, and to avoid the early judgement that often hits when people find out I’m catholic. And honestly, I think it’s worked pretty well for me. I’ve had conversations about faith and God with people I never expected, and I’ve built relationships that have allowed me to speak truth from a place of mutual trust and respect. But I’m beginning to think that there’s a problem with my approach.

After my class in Milan, I traveled to Venice and Rome with a couple of classmates. Over dinner, one of those classmates, who I spent hundreds of hours with this school year, said “I’ve really seen you open up on this trip, more than I’ve seen you all year. You’re lighting up with your faith and sharing so openly, and it’s cool to see.” This comment, offered as a compliment, made me uneasy. Was I really hiding my faith so ferociously this year? Was the whole philosophy to “catch them with honey” actually a cowardly way to avoid conflict and fit in?

I don’t know, and I’m still praying on it (welcome into my messy mind!) but what I am certain of is that I want my faith to be very present in my work this summer. I’m committing here, in writing, that I will tell my team when I’m logging off because I need to go to mass or to bible study. I’ll share that I’m going to mass on the weekends, and will offer to pray for people when they’re under stress. I am catholic, and I’m proud of that. I don’t have the luxury or the right to hide who I am and how much God has done for me, how deeply He has loved me, and how much I want others to know Him.

Have you ever had one of your deeply held beliefs or perspectives challenged? I want to hear about it! And if you have other advice for making this shift, please reply.

Have a great week! We’re in this together.

God Bless,


What we’re loving lately

Making a Summer Plan

The summer is here, and it always goes by wayyyy too fast. That’s why I love making a summer plan! Early each June, I write down the following:

  • Three books I want to read
  • Three activities I want to do
  • Three people I want to connect with
  • Three things I want to learn

Then, I take steps to make them happen! I think we gain so much by living our lives on purpose and with intention, and this is a great way to enjoy holy leisure this summer!

“Now What?!” is available on Amazon! Kindle or Paperback

Releasing this book and hearing such great feedback has been so overwhelming. Thank you to everyone who has purchased a copy and supported our mission. You can still get one here – and now they’re available with prime shipping, so you can basically have it tomorrow! Be sure to tag me in any photos, I can’t wait to see where you all are reading it!

Clothes for the Summer!

The summer is here, and I want to share my absolute favorite thing (I am not sponsored at all, but if you use the link I get a discount!). I’ve been renting from Nuuly for about seven months, and it’s the best. You get six pieces (I love their dresses) from designers like Anthropologie, Scotch and Soda, and Madewell, and can keep them for however long you want. When you’re ready for the next box, you can return and pay again early! I wore their dresses all over Europe and will be getting my next box filled with work clothes for the summer. It’s by far the least expensive and the best clothing rental option – I’ve tried them all. Give it a try here!

Prayer Requests

  • A friend’s new baby getting baptised this week!
  • For all those discerning relationships and vocations
  • For all graduates

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Jane Kennedy

Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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