The Giver of Good Gifts

by | Jul 26, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Apologies for the later newsletter this week, just an intern out here trying to do my best at work and also bring my best to you all 🙂


This past weekend’s Gospel is one of my favorites. I especially love the way that the Lord speaks about the heart of the Father:


“What father among you would hand his son a snake
when he asks for a fish?
Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?
If you then, who are wicked,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the Father in heaven
give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”


How often do we run to the Father and beg for things (often good things!) that we want so badly? I’ve spent hours and hours in prayer in my life, crying out for a longing to be answered, a wound to be healed, or a gift to be granted. Sometimes the answer has been yes, but many (many) times, it’s been a no.


And in those moments when it’s a “no,” when I feel like God is holding something back from me, I remember the Father as Jesus describes Him in the passage above. He is good. He knows us so much better than we know ourselves, He loves us so much more than even we love ourselves. How can we not trust that He gives not only good gifts, but actually the very best gifts to us?


I don’t know what you’re praying for right now. I know that we all have desires on our hearts, desires for good things, and Jesus invites us to bring them to the Father. Do not fear revealing those longings to Him. He wants them all. Open your heart, offer up the prayer, and then pray for the grace to accept whatever that answer might be.


God is a good, good father. He gives good, good gifts. Let us pray for the grace to receive them – even (especially) when they are different from what we have imagined).


In Christ,



What we’re loving lately

Podcast Episode 58: Battling a Bad Mood | Spotify | Apple Podcasts​

We’ve all been there – we’ve all experienced those awful days we feel grumpy, irritable, tired, and frustrated. Bad days seem to just get worse and worst until finally, we find a way to shake our attitude. I had one of those days this weekend, and in this episode, I’m sharing the six steps I took to turn that frown upside down.


​Call me (Old Fashioned) a Feminist by Raquel Davis​

This article gets me so hyped up. I’m so grateful to Raquel for writing about her decisions to pursue both her career and motherhood, and I hope you enjoy her exploration of modern Catholic feminism as much as I did!


​Purchase “Now What?!” for a new grad!

Have you seen the book we released earlier this summer? I’ve been so excited by the response, and wanted to remind you all to pick up a copy for any new grads in your life! It’s all about living boldly in faith, work, and life, and especially geared towards those of us in our twenties as we venture into the post-grad world. Your purchase helps fund this ministry and I’m so grateful for your support!



Prayer Requests

  • For a few special intentions
  • For a big upcoming move
  • For all interns hoping for return offers

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