My Word Of The Year 2023!

by | Jan 3, 2023 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Yesterday, while I was skiing with my parents, my dad decided to head down a particularly gnarly powder run. My mom and I opted for a more groomed path, and we parted ways. Once we made it to the massive chairlift line at the bottom of the mountain, my mom started looking around the line for my dad. She wondered aloud if he’d gone on ahead without us.

Without a hesitation, I responded with confidence: “It’s not in his character to leave us behind. He always waits for us.”

Sure enough, my dad skied up a few minutes later and regaled us with the story of his adventure in deep powder. He’d gotten stuck and it had taken him a while to dig his way out.

Over the next few runs, I pondered what I’d said. It wasn’t in my dad’s character to leave us behind. I had 27 years of evidence to back that statement up – he’s always waiting for us, with patience, generosity and encouragement. I’ve seen it time and time again and I know it to be true, with total confidence.

It got me thinking about what I believe about the character of God. Do I believe that God is a taskmaster, a judge, always waiting to catch me making a mistake or falling into sin? Or do I believe that He’s a good, generous father who has abundant graces and gifts for me? Do I believe that He has a greater perspective, therefore I can trust Him when things turn out differently than I wanted or expected?

The truth is that God also has 27 years of my trust. I’ve seen His character over and over again in my life. I know His abundance and His love. I’ve experienced time and time again a redirection, only to be left in awe at His abundant plans and love for me.

My word of the year for 2023 is abundant. Not in a prosperity gospel way, but in a way of embracing the “big-ness” of God. Recognizing that He is a God of abundance, a God who turns water into way too many barrels of the best wine, a God who turns a few fish and loaves of bread into a feast, a God who fills fishermen’s nets with enough fish to sink the boats. I want to really embrace this truth this year – that God is so good and generous and always working on my behalf, even when I can’t see the whole story.

“It’s not in God’s character to leave us behind. He always waits for us.”

My bff Erica and I talked all about our words if the year and reflected in 2022 on last week’s podcast, which you can check out for more discussion around why we chose our words! I also would love to hear your words – feel free to shoot me a reply and let me know what your word is this year. I hope 2023 is off to a stellar start 🙂

In Christ,


Podcast Episode 66: Revealing our Words of the Year for 2023 and Reflecting on 2022 with Erica Carnohan

  • It’s the end of the year and Erica is back as we reveal our words for 2023 and reflect on our words/years of 2022! I can’t believe the year is already over… and wow has it been a time. E and I talk all about what we’ve learned this year, how we’ve grown, and our hopes and dreams for 2023. Once you’re done, email me at and let me know your word of the year!
  • Listen on Spotify, iTunes, or Anchor!

What I’m reading right now:

I love the period between Christmas and New Years because I get time to enjoy some good books! Here’s what’s on my bookshelf right now:

  • I just finished Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, an incredible story about two half-sisters in Ghana, one of whom is sold into slavery and the other who marries into royalty, and the impact this split path has on the next eight generations of their family. It was a hard read, but absolutely captivating
  • I’m currently devouring Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. The summary is a bit bizarre but the book is incredible. Don’t be daunted by the length! The plot flies and so do the pages.

What I’m listening to right now:

  • In case I haven’t hyped it up enough, I am absolutely smitten with the Sisters of Life Let Love podcast. It’s so simple, and each episode leaves me pondering the conversation for days afterward.
  • I’m trying to leave the “playlist life” and return to listening to full albums (inspired by Vengeance, see below), and the first album I listened to was Lauren Daigle’s Look Up Child. Holy moley I forgot how good this album was! Banger after banger. Maybe she’s not your jam, but I recommend doing a full album listen of an old favorite. I’m always shocked by how quickly the lyrics come back to me: where am I keeping all of these lyrics in my little brain!?

What I’m watching right now:

  • I think that Vengeance is one of the best films to be released in a year. Written by and starring BJ Novak, it’s a very meta take on social media culture, podcasting, and the impact it has on everyone involved. The simple plot is that Novak’s character receives a call that his girlfriend has died (except he doesn’t have a girlfriend) and his not-girlfriend’s brother thinks it was a murder. Again, you just have to see it.
  • Ascension Presents’ YouTube channel has been on fire recently. I adore Jackie and Bobby Angel, and they’ve been contributing more to the channel. Fr. Mike, the CFRs, the Sisters of Life… their recent videos have been fantastic.

What are you reading, listening to, and watching? Reply and let me know!! PS: if you buy one of the books above through that link, I’ll get a few pennies!

Prayer Requests

  • For all those battling cancer – for peace in their treatment and for those who are loving and caring for them during this time
  • For anyone affected by the severe weather
  • For our families, that we might be a safe place of joy and peace for those closest to us

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Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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