We Are An Easter People!

by | Apr 12, 2023 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Happy Easter my friends!!

Wow, what an Easter-y Easter it was… and after a very “Lenty-Lent,” I was so dang ready to celebrate. And it seemed like the whole city of New York was celebrating with me!! I attended the Easter Vigil on Saturday night (my favorite mass of the year) and spent Easter Sunday picnicking in Central Park and enjoying the stunning sunshine and overall joy that is NYC in the springtime!

As with Christmas, we don’t stop celebrating Easter on Easter – we’ve got eight amazing days of celebrations (the Easter Octave). It’s also a glorious time to think about our Lenten promises and fasts and pray about how we can fold them into our lives going forward. This year, I embarked on Fiat90 with an amazing group of ten women, and together we took on fasts and additional practices to better root ourselves in prayer, temper our relationships with media, and grow in discipline for 90 days leading up to Easter. It was HARD but also amazing. The best part of it was getting to chat with everyone once a week (although the group chat was buzzing nonstop) and keeping up with one another and our commitments. I’m telling you, if you don’t have a small group or bible study to check in on your heart or keep you accountable, make it your Easter resolution to find, join, or start one. It’s truly been life changing.

About a week ago, the pastor at the NYU Catholic Center gave a phenomenal homily that I’ve been thinking about nonstop since. He said that just as Jesus evaded death until it was His time, He similarly prepares the crosses for us in our lives so lovingly and carefully so that they are given to us at the exact perfect time. He also prepares every grace, joy, friendship, and virtue within us that we will need to carry that cross well. That doesn’t mean He delights in our suffering, but He is present with us in and through it.

I’ve seen this so clearly in my own life through this Lent. Through friendships, incredible opportunities, and a deepened faith – He provides in abundance (there’s my word of the year 😉) and He has never forsaken me. I know that one day, I’ll look back on this Lent as one of the best ever. If you’re going through it, trust that the Lord wants to meet you there, and He is providing everything we need to take the next step (even if the path looks fuzzy or blurry!) And, as we just saw in our liturgy, we cannot have the Resurrection without the cross. These times of suffering are designed to get us to heaven – but they’re also a way for God to provide great and generous gifts right here in this life, too.

I would love to hear about your Lent and Easter experiences! Please reply to this email and let me know how God has been loving you in this season.

In Christ,


What I’m loving right now:

Podcast Episode 72: Claiming our Creative Identity with Marissa Vonesh

Every single one of us has a creative identity that’s trying to get out – but it can be so daunting to accept and embrace this part of us that desires to co-create with God (who is the ultimate creator). Marissa joins us this week to share her path to becoming a designer at the Washington Post, and how God has continued to invite her into co-creation with Him at work and beyond. We also talk about the intersections between faith and work and faith and art, and how beauty and truth point ourselves and others to Jesus. Enjoy!

Kristin Chenoweth on her faith

This is such a great interview with Kristin Chenoweth (filmed in St. Patrick’s Cathedral!) about the role of her faith in her life. Check it out here!

A reminder of God’s overwhelming and abundant providence

I adore Jordan Lee Dooley (an influencer/author/podcaster), and I’ve been praying for her and her husband as they’ve struggled in their pregnancy journey over the past four or so years. She’s had multiple, devastating miscarriages, and it’s been a really difficult season for them. Anyway, when a podcast episode dropped on her channel last week titled Becoming Mom and Dad: Our Journey to Parenthood I couldn’t wait to tune in… and wow. If you’re looking for a reminder or encouragement that God is SO present to us, even (and especially) when things are hard and He seems distant, listen in. Warning: I wept like four times. 🥹

Pray for my brand new Godchild, Nicole!

My beautiful friend Nicole was baptized on Saturday night during the Easter Vigil and it was ridiculously humbling to stand beside her as her godmother and sponsor. Please pray for her and her continued walk of faith! 

Prayer Requests

  • For those who entered the church this weekend!
  • For a special intention

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