Three Steps For Greater Trust

by | May 16, 2023 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life, Bold in Work, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

 Trust in God is a very powerful thing. If we have trust in His plan and His love, absolutely nothing can shake us – loss of a job, a relationship, an expectation, a dream – we can take these things in stride when we believe wholeheartedly that God is for us and with us. Because of this, the enemy’s most consistent and powerful attack is to shake our trust in God. When the waves surround our boats, we can choose to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus or start running around, bailing out water in fear that we have to figure it out ourselves.

Trust is such a powerful tool, but it can be hard to obtain and maintain. Whenever I need a deeper trust in God in a particular season or area of my life, I sit down and follow this three-step process to re-ground myself back in the arms of the Father:

  1. Past: Where was God in my past? Where has He come through for me in past storms, in moments when I was afraid, uncertain, and unsure? How did He work in past disappointments? Where have I seen Him do “abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine?” Write these moments down and call them to mind. Remembering God’s faithfulness brings us back to the reality of His providence.
  2. Present: Where is God right now? What gifts is He bestowing on me in the present moment? How can I see Him moving in my life, today? Pausing to be grateful for everything we do have helps us to see how God is walking with us right here, right now.
  3. Future: What is it that I’m longing for and desiring? By bringing our desires and prayers to God in a direct, honest, and trusting way, we’re able to entrust the future to Him and know that He has everything for us, if only we release our desire for control and trust in Him.

The enemy pulls us from God’s loving protection when he tricks us into thinking that we have to take care of everything for ourselves, that we’re alone, and that God cannot be trusted. By going through the above steps (and especially when writing down our responses!) we’re able to return to God’s embrace and rest in His providence.

How else do you increase your trust in God? Reply to this email and let me know!

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately:

Ten Tips for Trust in God

I love Sr. Mary Grace and this talk she gave at Seek this year is incredible!! I highly recommend checking it out on Youtube, here.


Park Days

  • The weather in NYC is perfect right now, and I’m soaking up as much sun as possible by spending most days in Central Park. I cannot believe I’m moving soon (sad!) but know that I’ll be back here so often, and that I’ll always make it to the park when I’m in town! Getting outside and reading in the sun is the most joyful activity ever!


Jury Duty

  • Okay I know I’m a little behind, but I completely binged this show over the weekend and it was the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time. The premise is that it’s a documentary about a jury, but it’s actually a group of actors and one normal person who has no idea why insane things keep happening during the trial. It’s so heartwarming and hilarious. I do not condone all of the humor but it’s a pretty safe watch! It’s available for free with ads on Freevee!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for myself and many other students who are graduating this week!! Yay!


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