Welcome to the Fruit of the Spirit Series!!

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives


I am over the moon to finally share the project I’ve been working on all summer…

Welcome to our Fruit of the Spirit Series! 🍓🍏🍇🍉🍋

Over the next nine weeks, we’ll be diving into the Fruit of the Spirit together! I’ve been drawn to these gifts again and again in my life, and since summer is the season of watermelon and strawberries, I considered there was no time like the present.

So what are we talking about here? Well, the Fruit of the Spirit (I thought it was fruits but have learned that it is actually a singular “fruit” that encapsulates all the gifts) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control. We all receive these fruit during our baptism as gifts of the Holy Spirit! In scripture, we are told that “by their fruits, you shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). As Christians, we should strive to bear these virtues in our lives. But as we know, that’s often a lot easier said than done. And since I love to share practical wisdom on the SundayMonday, I thought we could tackle this together!

Each week, we’ll be focusing on one fruit through our podcast, newsletter, and Instagram! I’m especially excited to share these new podcast episodes with you (I think they’re some of the best we’ve ever done!) in which I asked friends of mine who I believe beautifully represent that fruit in their lives to share how they do it.

And I thought we’d start out with a doozy…. welcome to patience!

Patience is a virtue. And as I’m sure we’ve all learned, when we pray for patience we’re often confronted with many annoying situations in which we have to practice it. But as Schyler points out early in this week’s podcast, “Love is patient,” referring to the famous scripture in 1 Corinthians 13. Since we all desire to love well, patience seems like a pretty important virtue to live.

Last week, I wrote in the newsletter about my desire to live more “unhurried.” The key to this goal is growth in patience. God is not in a hurry, but He’s never late. Jesus was open to interruptions, diversions, and changes in His plan. His patience made those around Him feel seen, known and loved. I think often about how much better I could love the people in my life if I were in less of a rush, if I created margin and space in my life to receive interruptions with joy and peace. Needless to say, this conversation with Schyler was exactly what I needed!

So tune in to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and let me know how you’re striving to live patience this week. We’ll see you back here for next week’s fruit…

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately:

Podcast Episode 79: Patience with Schyler Smith

  • What a gift to welcome my friend Schyler back to the podcast, this time to talk about patience! Schyler is an incredible mom to three kids earthside and a baby in heaven, and her patience inspires me every day. I’ve seen it bear fruit throughout her life – from when I knew her as a single woman, into marriage and now motherhood! We talk all about patience and take a nice tangent into chatting about social media, which Schyler exited this year. Tune in here on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul by John Eldredge

  • After Schyler mentioned this book in our podcast recording, I bought it for myself and I’m completely devouring it. It has given me such an incredible new insight into the heart of men. I love John and Staci Eldredge’s book for women, Captivating, but never considered reading their men’s book until Schyler recommended it. And Fr. Mike mentioned it in his homily this week, so you know it’s a good read!

Monday Morning Faith

  • I can’t get over how many people have sent me this song!! I think it should be the new SundayMonday anthem. It makes me so happy. All of the lyrics are so good, but here’s the first verse: I want to meet with you more than Sundays / I want to know more than just my mother’s faith / ‘Cause that’s not enough to get through the rough / Oh I need a Monday morning faith 🥹 Listen to it here!

Prayer Requests

  • For a special intention
  • For a friend in the middle of a big life transition
  • For those who are lonely

If you or a loved one need prayers, just reply to this email or reach out and I’ll include them in next week‘s newsletter!

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Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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