Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, one of the most beautiful feast days in the Church. We all know Mary is the mother of Jesus, who as a very young woman said yes to the Lord in speedy and faithful obedience. Who raised her son, the son of God to be strong and courageous Himself. Who stayed by His side on the cross when He was abandoned by all of His friends. I love Mary, and I treasure my relationship with her. But in all honesty, it has taken years to get to this point.

For a long time, I really struggled with Mary.

I heard her virtues extolled: meekness, gentleness, humility, and docility to God’s will. These seemed diametrically opposed to my own nature: I’m often loud, passionate, and not super accepting when God’s plans differ from my own.

But over the past few years, I’ve felt the Lord inviting me into a deeper relationship with His mother. I started by praying a Memorare or Hail Mary here or there for an intention. Then I upped the ante with a couple of 54-day rosary novenas. Despite the resistance and my initial uncertainty, I found myself slowly drawn into the mystery of the rosary and even began looking forward to putting my phone down and entering into prayer each day.

The rosary has slowly taught me how to release control, bring my intentions to Jesus daily, and cultivate the very same Marian virtues I once misunderstood. It also revealed virtues I hadn’t appreciated before: Mary’s courage, trust, hope, and love. It is the anchor of my day. I especially love the Luminous mysteries, each one of them drawing me into the life of Jesus and His abundant providence.

If Mary or the rosary scare you, I completely understand. I also invite you to try it anyway. Pray a decade (10 Hail Marys) each day for a special intention, or even for the desire to pray a full rosary. Ask Jesus to reveal His mother to you. Buy a beautiful rosary (West Coast Catholic has some of my favorites). Listen to the Daily Rosary Meditations podcast with Dr. Scherschligt. Pray it on your commute, as you fall asleep, with your family, or after mass.

I cannot BEGIN to share all of the ways that the Rosary has changed my life. My faith, my hope, and my joy have all been multiplied. I have found new strength to pray for those I love and to double down on my biggest intentions. And I have seen Mary work major miracles in my life and in the lives of those around me.

Many religious orders wear the rosary on their left hip, where knights’ traditionally sheathed their swords. It’s a weapon of the highest order – designed to protect and defend. Let’s fight the good fight, together.

Mary, Mother of peace, mother of the church, mother of God, pray for us. And happy Feast of the Assumption!

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately:

Podcast Episode 82: Kindness with Katie Mittel | Fruit of the Spirit Series

  • This week’s fruit of the spirit? Kindness! And I couldn’t think of anyone better to have on than my dear friend, Katie Mittel! In this episode we talk all about the fruit of kindness: what is it, where does it come from, and how can we live it well in our fast-paced and sometimes hectic lives? You won’t want to miss the pearls of wisdom Katie drops this week! Tune in here on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

  • I completely devoured this book last week in one sitting. It’s similar to a modern retelling of It’s a Wonderful Life – the main character is given the opportunity to see what her life would have been like if she had made different choices (framed as her regrets) throughout her life. It was touching, heartwarming, and gave me such a zest and gratitude for life!

I love weddings.

  • This weekend, I was honored to stand by the side of one of my besties as she married the love of her life! Weddings are so heavenly. Seeing two people you love, who love each other so well, committing to one another for the rest of their lives… there’s nothing like it. Please pray for Emma and Doug as they embark on this new adventure!

Prayer Requests

  • For a special intention

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