God’s Will is Where We Are

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Can you believe it’s Holy Week? This is my favorite week of the year to be a Catholic. Gorgeous masses, rich traditions, and so much incense! And of course, it all leads to the celebration of Easter. We’re so close!

I wrote before how this has been the Lent of surrender, embracing God’s Will and giving Him control over everything. But as I know too well, the chasm between writing about something and living it is vast. This week, I was invited to jump it.

Last Tuesday, I woke up with a nasty cold. I was down and out. Day after day, I woke up sniffly and coughing and congested. I went to the doctor, filled up on an assortment of over-the-counter drugs, and prayed for quick healing. For over a month, I’d been signed up to attend a retreat with Fr. Gregory Pine, and I. Was. Not. Missing. It!!

But on Friday, I woke up, still sick as a dog. I was tearing up as I talked to my best friend on the phone, and she told me, “This is an invitation to rest, it’s good to slow down.” She, as usual, was right. This present reality was an invitation to say yes to what God was doing in my life at this very moment, to stop fighting so hard for my own will, and to embrace His.

And so, instead of attending the retreat I had been looking forward to for weeks, I stayed home. I read books and slept and watched Survivor and prayed and FaceTimed friends. I was so sad to miss it, but this weekend of rest was deeply peaceful and good. God always knows what’s best for us and always takes care of us. That’s all that surrender is: trusting that God provides everything we need and that He gives us the grace to say yes.

In Fr. Walter Ciszek’s own words: God’s will for us was the twenty-four hours of each day: the people, the places, the circumstances he set before us in that time. Those were the things God knew were important to him and to us at that moment, and those were the things upon which he wanted us to act, not out of any abstract principle or out of any subjective desire to “do the will of God.”

So this week, what is God’s Will for you? Maybe it’s a crazy week at work and you’re wondering how you’re going to make time for the liturgies you want to attend. Maybe you’re feeling down about being away from family, and hoping to make it a memorable weekend of celebration with your community away from home. Maybe you’re getting confirmed or baptized, or sponsoring someone who is entering the church. I don’t know His will for you, but you do… because it’s right in front of you. He gives us all we need to say “yes.”

Please know of my prayers that you receive every single grace God has for you this week! It’s a holy time, and the Lord is doing big things here. Have a blessed Holy Week!

In Christ,


What I’m loving lately

Three Hail Marys for Divine Providence

Let me just say that these three simple Hail Marys work miracles. I try to pray them first thing in the morning, and the impact I can see on my day of God’s unfailing providence is breathtaking. I highly recommend it as a practice!

Monday Rosary club at work

Y’all… my company has a Rosary group?! We meet on Monday afternoons and pray the Rosary over Zoom with people from all over the world. I don’t pray for my company and colleagues nearly as much as I should, and it’s such a great opportunity to meet and pray with incredible people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise! Highly recommend seeking out (or starting) a group at your workplace 🙂

Looking for a Lent Playlist?

I’m so sorry for gatekeeping this for all of Lent (I promise I’ve shared with a few people who asked!) but here is my Lent 2024 Spotify playlistIt’s a good one, and I’m listening more and more as we get closer to Easter!

Waxed Amaryllis @ Trader Joe’s

I am so obsessed with these waxed amaryllises from Trader Joe’s… I got one at Christmas time, and it was a delight to watch it bloom! So excited about my Easter bulb!


Prayer requests

  • For a friend who had a baby this week!
  • For everyone under the weather right now
  • For a special intention

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