Celebrating 100 podcast episodes!! And third places

by | May 21, 2024 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Hello and happy Tuesday!

Today marks a big milestone for The SundayMonday – the 100th episode of our podcast, “The SundayMonday Show” dropped this morning!! It’s wild to reach this point. When I started the SundayMonday almost four years ago, I was always determined to launch a podcast, but I waited about six months before getting started. I really wanted it to be something that was relevant to our community, done well, and that I could carry through to “100 episodes!” – and here we are! Thank you so much to everyone who has listened, shared feedback and encouragement, and especially to those of you who joined me on the mic 🙂

You can tune into the 100th episode here on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or Anchor!

The other thing I wanted to share today came from a conversation I had with friends last week about “third places.” A third place is a “casual, social setting outside of the home and workplace where people can connect with their community.” For example, a third place could be anything from a coffee shop or restaurant to a run club or church.

When I moved back to DC just over nine months ago, I was super intentional about seeking out third places where I could meet new friends. I began attending a run club weekly, attending local young adult events consistently, and going to the same daily masses. Over time, I began seeing familiar faces and introducing myself to more people. Now, almost a year into being in DC, I can thank these third places for being the foundation of most of my closest friendships here! Being consistent, friendly, and approachable has worked wonders in helping me find community beyond work.

If you’re struggling right now with community or you want to make some more new friends this summer, I highly recommend praying about what kinds of third places could be most meaningful and fun for you! It’s trial and error for sure, but if we stay consistent the fruits are abundant!

So let me know – where have you found your third places? Do you have recommendations for our community? Reply below and let me know!

In Christ,


Ep. 100: Three Lessons from 100 Episodes

Holy guacamole… 100 episodes!! I cannot believe it. 🥹 On today’s episode, I’m reminiscing on the past 3.5 years and 100 episodes, and how grateful I am for this community and all the encouragement I’ve received to keep going. Thank you thank you!! Here’s to 100 more!

Fr. Mike Commencement address

Wowza I LOVED this commencement address. Fr. Mike talks about walking into the wilderness, and how God strengthens us through our journeys by giving us the grace for the next right step and then inviting us to trust Him. I hope you love it as much as I did!

Matilda playlist

One of my favorite movies with one of my favorite soundtracks… this has been my bop this week!! I’ve been dancing at my desk for sure.

God has GOOD plans

I had a rough week last week, and when it came to my weekend I wasn’t really in the mood to make plans, but I offered up a prayer and said, “Lord, please provide for me!” and He DID! I ended up with front-row seats to the opera at the Kennedy Center, joining the DC Eucharistic procession and running into tons of pals, hosting friends for dinner, and spending Sunday morning cheering on the Girls on the Run race! God always knows what we need before we even ask, and He loves to spoil us. Here’s your (and my) reminder to invite Him into everything!

Prayer requests

  • For a special intention
  • For a friend in a difficult season
  • For all those graduating!

If you or a loved one need prayers, just reply to this email or reach out and I’ll include them in next week’s newsletter!

Join us on social @thesundaymonday_ and www.facebook.com/thesundaymonday

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Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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