A Funner Summer!

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Bold in Life, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Did you know there’s a fun scale!? I learned about it this week!! See below:

​I think this idea *technically* relates to outdoor activities, but I think it’s pretty relevant across the board. And since my word of the year is “fun” it got me thinking a bit about how I’ve been spending my time and the type of fun I’ve been engaging in.

For me, type 1 fun is spending time with my close friends and family. I’m a quality-time girly, what can I say? Pickleball, volleyball, happy hour, coffee walks, farmers market, FaceTime, hot girl runs… I know that when I head out to spend time with my friends, it’s going to be fun before, during, and after.

I would define type 2 fun as things that are a little outside of my comfort zone, but often turn out to be SO good for me in retrospect! This past week, that included going to a party where I wasn’t sure I would know many people (on a boat, for three hours… no exit), showing up at a new volunteer event alone, pushing through frustration at work to learn something new, and having a(nother!!) hard conversation. I can look back now on those things with gratitude because they all went way better than I anticipated and made me stronger, more confident, and happier!

So let’s talk type 3. What are the things that are not fun (now or later), but maybe make a good story? Most of these experiences are things that I did because I thought I “should” do them. One of my goals is to “live from inspiration, not obligation,” and type 3 fun is usually had due to me acting from obligation. This could include saying yes to a commitment I’m not excited about, then having to follow through with it, filling up my schedule so I’m not able to be present, or not listening to my body when it needs rest and pushing it to go do something it’s not interested in doing.

The cool thing about this scale is that it’s totally different for every person! Maybe some of the things in my type 2 bucket are total type 3s for you – or type 1s! It’s such a testament to the goodness of God and how uniquely and intentionally He made each of us. It would be so boring if we were all the same.

Since summer has officially begun (yay!) I’m thinking about how I want to live this summer so I can come out on the other side more rested, present, and (hopefully) tan. One of my goals is to have more type 2 fun; to push myself to go places and do things that sound exciting but might make me a little nervous. God blesses our courage, and He’s done so for me throughout my life!

What about you? How would you categorize the fun in your life? And what goals do you have for the summer? I’ll share more of mine next week!

In Christ,


Inside Out 2

Okay such a cutie movie!! I went with some friends this week and we loved it! I especially enjoyed the way the character of “Anxiety” was portrayed, and how she so clearly wanted the best for the main character, Riley, and was only trying to protect her. I highly recommend the movie! Plus it’s just so fun to go to the theater.

Faith grows in the little things!

As referenced in last week’s newsletter, I have been chatting with God about a handful of recent confusing situations, but this past week He’s been answering my littlest prayers in unexpected, sweet ways! It’s been so good to be reminded that He loves us and always – always! – hears us. My favorite morning prayer: “Jesus, I give you permission to surprise me today.” Pray it today and buckle up 🙂

The Lord Will Provide

Someone sent me this song last week and it’s so lovely! And true.

Heart of clay or wax? 

I loved Fr. Mike’s Homily this weekend, especially his vulnerability around his struggles to submit his will to the Father’s. He offered the image of two types of hearts: a heart made of clay, and a heart made of wax. When God’s light and warmth shines on the clay, it hardens. When it shines on the wax, it melts and becomes moldable in the Potter’s hands. Are our hearts made of clay or wax? Do we embrace the Father’s gaze and allow Him to change us? Or do we harden and turn away because it’s too hard? I think that my heart is a little of both, depending on what He’s shining light on!! But I want it to be moldable – a good thing to pray about.

Here for mini retreat days!

On Sunday afternoon I took myself on a little half day retreat to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Northeast DC. I’m obsessed with the Blessed Sacrament chapel there – I love how the Tabernacle is surrounded by gold manna falling from heaven. It was so nice to take some time away for a good confession and quiet time with the Lord. Even if I just have a couple of hours, it’s so worth it to set aside some time. He always shows up!

Prayer Requests

  • For a special intention
  • For a big event at work this week
  • For a friend who is pregnant!!
  • For one of our readers!

    If you or a loved one need prayers, just reply to this email or reach out and I’ll include them in next week’s newsletter!

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