The International Arrivals Gate of Advent

by | Dec 10, 2024 | Bold in Life, Bold in Work, Liturgical Living, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

It’s the second week of Advent, and someone needs to tell DC to decide if it’s deep winter or balmy fall!

Weather commentary aside, the priest’s homily this weekend provided a beautiful image of Advent: the International Arrivals gate at the airport. Picture it: friends and family buzzing, eagerly awaiting their loved ones, monitoring the sliding doors to spot them with suitcases in tow, arms filled with gifts. That’s Advent. We are the little children, bouncing joyfully on the other side of the gate, eagerly watching for our Lord, who is coming to us at Christmas.

How can we prepare our hearts this week? How can we lean into the tension and excitement that each new candle on our Advent wreath represents?

Last week, we reflected on the goodness of God. This week, I want to focus on His presence—constant and unwavering—in every moment of our lives.

I’ve written before about being “one of God’s favorites.” It’s such a fun, freeing way to live—to see every little moment, gift, surprise, or coincidence as coming from His hands. It’s true, of course, but we can easily get caught up in our worries and distractions, forgetting the countless small blessings He showers on us daily.

If we believe that God is present to us, then we can begin to release the panic, the striving, and the worry that come with the lie that we must handle everything ourselves. I came across a quote this week that stopped me in my tracks: “Sometimes I actually start to accept that God does His thing no matter what I do, and for a controlling person like me, that is so incredibly freeing.” Oof.

Yes, we have free will, and our choices matter, but God’s love for us doesn’t depend on our perfection. He can take even our messiest, most selfish decisions and work through them to bring us joy, new life, and His presence.

So this week, as we journey through this season of waiting and wonder, I invite us all to pause daily and thank God for the little gifts He gives us. The unexpected call from a friend, a handwritten Christmas card, a stranger’s compliment—these are all reminders of His love. And how can we, in turn, be His hands, His voice, His heart to others? Let’s take the time to love those around us and celebrate the people in our lives in an extra-special way this Advent.

Please know that I am praying for you, and I ask you to keep me in your prayers as well.

In Christ,

What I’m Loving Lately

The most important vocational question for the end of the year

You know I loveeee Emily P. Freeman, and I’ve already listened to this episode three times, trying to soak in all the goodness! I love her five points about discernment, and the question: “What is mine to do?”

347: The Most Important Voca…
Dec 3 · The Next Right Thing
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Favorite Things Parties

This weekend I was blessed with TWO favorite things parties, which means my wishlist is a mile long. I love these parties so much because 1) you get to see what people loved this year (and I’m a huge recommendation girl, as evidenced by this section of the weekly newsletter!) and 2) everyone lights up when they talk about what they love! I picked up quite a few goodies, but so far my Saie Super Glowy Gel has had the biggest impact on my life – it makes my skin look so happy and warm and awake and I’ve already gotten compliments that I know are due to the product! Highly rec, I have it in sunglow.

The Screwtape Letters

Does anyone fall into re-reading their old favorites around the holidays? No, just me? Well this C.S. Lewis book is one of my favorites, and it’s been such a perfect read in this busy, distracting season. I’m doing my best to protect my prayer times and mass, but wow, it’s so easy to get distracted or enticed by another offer. This book reminds me that God is always fighting for us and that the enemy is lazy, repetitive, and can only win when we let him. If you haven’t read this book, it’s a pretty quick easy read and good for reading a chapter while falling into bed after a long night of holiday festivities! (Also, I just went to grab the Amazon link and it’s #1 right now in Christian allegories so you know it’s not just me!)

Choose to celebrate

Stay tuned for next week’s newsletter, where I’ll be sharing further reflections on what has been the most joyful, wonderful Advent I’ve experienced in YEARS, but I think one factor has been my commitment to celebration. I’ve said yes to every party I can, gotten dressed up, decked my apartment out with a (real) Christmas tree and a new Advent wreath, and written Christmas cards (many more to go… my little hand is cramping!) The enemy (see above) likes to use this season to illuminate things we wish were different or better, but God sees fit that we are experiencing THIS Advent, THIS Christmas, this year, exactly as He desires for us to live it. If you’re walking through grief, or disappointment, or hurt, please know of my prayers – and trust that He has everything for you here. And if you’re suffering from a Scrooge-y mood, put on Jim Carrey’s the Grinch and eat some peppermint bark. I promise it will help 🙂

Prayer requests

  • For my mom on a big birthday today!!
  • For all those grieving this holiday season
  • For those looking for work

If you or a loved one need prayers, just reply to this email or reach out and I’ll include them in next week’s newsletter!

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