This is Your Sign: Have the Hard Conversation

by | Feb 8, 2022 | The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

Hello friends, happy Tues!

Today I want to talk about something that usually (read:always) makes me a little sweaty: having hard conversations. I don’t like to let people down, I hate disappointing others, and I do not love rocking the boat. But having hard conversations is a good thing. It protects and strengthens our relationships, allows us to avoid letting problems fester and eventually explode, and frees us from the anxiety of keeping it all inside.

But having them is TOUGH. By no means am I an expert, but what I can say is that having the conversation is an act of courage and is always better than not having it. Here are some guidelines on jumping in:

  1. Cool off – don’t enter into an important conversation when emotions are high
  2. Prepare your words – write them down, craft the story. Keep the facts clear
  3. Know what you want – don’t go into a conversation without a solid understanding of what your ultimate goal is. Otherwise, the conversation might just circle and you’ll end up worse off than you started
  4. Listen well – after stating your piece, genuinely listen to the response of the other party
  5. Be kind – it’s hard to initiate a hard conversation, but it’s also hard to receive one. Lead with kindness and recognize that the other person probably wasn’t expecting the conversation to pop up. If you can, allow them time to reflect and return to the conversation when they’ve had a chance to think about it themselves.

These conversations are hard but their benefits are incredible. Have you been holding back on a tough conversation? This is your sign to make it happen. I’m rooting for you!

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately

Leading a Life of Love by Raquel Davis

As Valentine’s Day rapidly approaches, Raquel offers a beautiful reflection on the meaning of love and the great gift of self-love in a culture that pushes us to compare and compete.

“To Grow in Trust” a Mini Book

Trust is one of my favorite topics, and this mini book on our Instagram offers super practical tips for leaning into trust in your life and prayer!


Are you playing wordle? Because it’s really fun. It’s a daily word game where you guess a five-letter word and get litle clues and hints along the way. And you can only play once a day so it helps limit screen time too 🙂

Talk to us about workplace trends!

Our goal at The SundayMonday is to be a resource for women in the workforce – and this year, we want to address some big workplace trends! What’s on your mind? What kinds of resources would be helpful to you? Reply to this email or let us know on Instagram!

Prayer Requests

  • For the vocations of our community – whether to marriage or religious life, that every woman might feel the peace and joy of trusting in God’s plan for her life.

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Jane Kennedy

Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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