12 Books for 2022

by | Jan 19, 2022 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life

We are more than halfway into the first month of 2022 and I am only just now turning to resolutions. Though I love the idea of starting fresh on the first of a new year, life had other plans, as so often happens. Onward.

As I reviewed the year that now lays in the dust behind us, I was struck by how hollow some accomplishments felt. This was certainly not the emotion I predicted, especially with completing goals such as reading one book every week of the year. As I pulled apart the feeling and sifted through the books I had read, I came to a sheepish realization. While I am blessed to love reading, the goal was not set out of bibliophilia. That goal, along with many others, was set out of pride rather than a desire to grow either in virtue or knowledge.

I let my quiet competitiveness and the whisper of “If they can do that, you can to” replace purpose, a dangerous game to be playing.

This year, I’ve decided to replace pride with purpose. I am selecting one book to grow my faith that I want to spend time with each month. I’ve selected some month’s books to coincide with the consecration of the month and some because they’ve been, shamefully, sitting on my shelf in need of attention. If you’re looking for a habit to pick up that has more to do with walking faithfully than bragging rights, read along with me! 

January – A Call to Life by Father Jacque Phillip

I selected this book as the starting point because it seems like an invitation to enter more deeply into a life of purpose. Even the title of the book cannot help but beckon us into the adventure of Christianity. Father Jacque Phillip has an unpretentious way of offering concise, but firm spiritual guidance for living in the light. What better place to start the new year with a renewed call to life? It’s a short read, so there’s still plenty of time to pick up and read in January.

February – The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis

During a month where you can’t go anywhere without running into bright pink and red hearts, reading about love seems the only thing to do.  A modern theology classic, you’d be hard pressed not to have previously encountered at least some reference to the four different types of love. This February, I’m looking forward to settling into a book about real love.

March – The Power of Silence by Cardinal Robert Sarah with Nicolas Diat

(This is your gentle reminder that Lent starts on March 2nd this year.) This book stares me down from my bookshelf every single time I opt to put on a podcast for background noise. In such a busy world, I’m not comfortable with silence and I think that’s why I’ve been avoiding this book. In my heart, I know though, that God speaks to us in silence and I hope to have more of it this Lent.

April – To Know Jesus Christ by Frank Sheed

If the preceding month brought Lent then, the month of April brings us Holy Week, His Passion, and Resurrection: quite the tall order in terms of book selection. A book on getting to know the Pascal Lamb more intimately is up to the task.

May – Reed of God by Caryll Houselander

For the month of Mary, I’ve selected this book to draw nearer to Our Lady. I know many people choose to read this book during Advent as a mediation on the Blessed Mother, but I have it on good authority the book can be read beyond the confines of December.

June – Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Father Jean Croiset

June is devoted to the Sacred Heart and I’m not sure I could pick a more perfect book for the month. This book explores the history and practices as well as meditations all in an effort to draw nearer to His Most Sacred Heart.  

July – God’s Voice Within: The Ignatian Way to Discover God’s Will by Father Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

A little over halfway through the year is a good time to stop and reflect on discerning God’s will. So often I find myself charging on towards old goals and forgetting to stop and ask what the Lord wants from me. Here’s hoping this book on God’s will ensures more fruitful discernment.

August – That Nothing May Be Lost: Reflections on Catholic Doctrine and Devotion by Father Paul Scalia

I must admit, I selected this book because it’s a bit denser and August is a slower time at work in Washington, DC. I’m hoping to delve deeply into understanding Catholic Doctrine with less work responsibilities clamoring for my attention.

September – The Way of a Pilgrim by An Anonymous 19th Century Russian Peasant

September ushers in the winds of change as summer ends and fall begins. The story of a pilgrimage seems the choice as we leave the warmth of summer and begin our trek towards the end of the year while, hopefully, learning the secrets of prayer with this book. 

October – Secrets of the Rosary by St. Louis De Montfort

This book was mentioned on the Franciscan Friars of Renewal Poco A Poco podcast and one of the brothers described how this book totally transformed his relationship with the rosary. As October is the month of the rosary, I’m hoping it will do the same for me!

November – Pray for Us: 75 Saints Who Sinned, Suffered, and Struggled on Their Way to Holiness by Meg Hunter-Kilmer

I have to confess, when I first heard about this book it didn’t particularly grab my interest. I thought it was just another saint book. But after attending a reading with author, Meg Hunter-Kilmer, I knew I was wrong. Meg describes saints who you’ve never heard of, highlighting their unique humanness all while pursuing God.  I’m excited to make some new friends in Heaven in honor of the month of All Saints’ Day.

December – Advent of the Heart: Seasonal Sermons and Prison Writings 1941-1944 by Father Aflred Delp

Although writings from the bowels of a concentration camp might not seem like joyful choice for Advent reading, Father Delp is said to have had a heart for Advent and his book to prepare the soul for what’s important during the Christmas Season.

If you have any reading suggestions or books to share, send them along on!

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