For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

by | Aug 19, 2022 | Bold in Faith, Bold in Life

If faith was easy, everyone would have it, right?


In high school, I prayed to play college soccer. Instead, I tore two ACL’s but made the best memories and friends playing club soccer while reminding myself a sport does not define me.

At college, I prayed for a community that would challenge and support me to grow in the church.  Instead, I first learned to stay firm in my beliefs and avoid temptation until I met that group of friends.  


While at college, as silly as it may sound, I prayed to win a student government election. Instead, I got knocked on a form technicality and had to wait an entire year before giving it another shot. Funny how that shook out.

Before graduating college, I prayed to stay in Tampa and work for my dream company. Instead, that company shared that I wasn’t quite qualified, but to always stay in touch.


When discerning the move to DC, I prayed whether it was the right decision and if I’d be happy. Instead, I learned that happiness comes from what you make of an opportunity, not the opportunity itself.   


When first in DC, I prayed how to navigate a certain friendship. Instead, I learned that sometimes people are only meant to stay in our life for a season and a reason. 


When in DC, I prayed to get accepted to Hopkins for grad school. Instead, I took the GMAT on four different occasions over six months of tutoring. My score was nearly identical all four times. I felt defeated. 


When in DC, I was contingently accepted to Hopkins if and only if I completed an accelerated summer math course.  Instead of letting that class consume my mind and take away from the joy of being accepted, I had to learn how to be kind to myself. That class was tackled with great grit and even greater grace.


Before leaving DC, I prayed if I was being called to make the move back to FL. Instead, when I left DC, I felt an immense wave of anxiety and unexpected sadness drown me on the car ride down. Change is hard.


When arriving back in Tampa, I prayed for a house to call home. Instead, the house I bought would take over a year of immense emotional and financial stress before I began to believe that this house may eventually feel like home.  


Since being back in Tampa, I’ve prayed if I made the right decision with the move. Instead, I’ve had to release control and turn to God with listening ears. For His plan is by far greater than anything I may imagine.


Remember, if faith was easy everyone would have it. Shine your light on the dark days. Shine your light on the bright days. Shine your light on each day in between.


Continue to pray for the Church.

Continue to pray for your family.

Continue to pray for your friends.

Continue to pray for the stranger.

Continue to pray for those coming back to the faith.

Continue to pray for those suffering in silence.

Continue to pray for those battling addiction.

Continue to pray for those who need strength.

Continue to pray for those discerning religious life.

Continue to pray for yourself.


My favorite verse in the entire bible always has and will be Philippians 4:6. I encourage you to read it if you have not done so already.


Faith teaches us to be present. Faith teaches us to be passionate. Faith teaches us to be persistent. Faith teaches us to be patient.


For if our God is for us, then what could stand against us? Be the faith. Keep the faith.  

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