Episode 88| Let’s Talk About Breakups

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Bold in Life, Podcast

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This one has been in the cooker for a while, and I was so glad to have my bff Erica Carnohan join me for a wide-ranging conversation about surviving a breakup. We covered all sorts of topics, including how you know when it’s time to end a relationship, how to choose virtue and lean on God in healing, getting “through” and not “over” the breakup, and finding great joy in the midst of a pretty un-fun time. If you’re going through it at the moment, please know of our prayers, and also know that God has SO much more for you ahead! We hope that this episode gives you a bit of encouragement! 

Resources we referred to:

Jackie Angel’s Article “The Devil wants you to settle in your relationships”

Caroline Winkler’s Video “What no one tells you about your breakup”


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