The Monster Under the Bed

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Bold in Faith, Liturgical Living, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

When I was a little kid, I was terrified of monsters. I’m sure many of you were, too. Every night, I would check under my bed and in my closet for anything out of the ordinary, and then I would turn off my lights and sprint to my bed before anything spooky could grab me. Now, as an adult, I still check my closets and shower when I get home – just in case. It’s a silly fear, but a fear nonetheless.

However, once I check the shower and the closet and sometimes even under my bed, I realize there’s nothing to be afraid of. The lights dispel the suspicious shadows, and I’m safe. It’s why lots of kids sleep with a nightlight; something about that little bit of light gives us peace and comfort because we can see what’s happening around us.

I think often about the gift of light when considering fear. I shared 2 Timothy 1:7 last week: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and self-control. Jesus came to free us from fear, and from the darkness, because He is the light from light, true God from true God. Because of Jesus, we have nothing to fear.

So why do we worry? I think most if not all of my worries come from the fear of being out of control… which is exactly what we are called to be in surrender to God and His plans for our lives. It’s a bit of a trick because we never actually were or have been in control – we just play games and grasp and strive and trick ourselves into believing that we have more power than we do.

The heart of freedom is trust, and trust frees us from fear. Which fears are you holding onto? Maybe it’s a fear that you won’t get something that you really, really want. A fear that you won’t have enough. A fear that you’ll be alone. A fear that you’ll never measure up. We all have fears, but we also all have freedom because Jesus came to lighten our loads and free us from unnecessary burdens.

In this first week of Advent, I invite all of us to take these questions to prayer: What am I afraid of? Where is this coming from? What do You say about this fear, Lord?

Let us enter Christmas and the New Year free from the anxieties and worries and fears that may have plagued our year, and step into the joy, freedom, hope, and trust that the Lord wants for us.

In Christ,


What we’re loving lately:

Ep. 94 | Trusting God in seasons of waiting

  • Advent is here – our very own liturgical season of waiting. So what better time to talk about how we can grow in trust of God while we wait? Life is full of waiting seasons, and we often just flow from one into the next, so it’s good to grow in the muscle of trust. In this episode, I share three things I do that have helped me SO much in growing in trust! Tune in here on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!

A perfect holiday party gift that isn’t wine!!

  • It’s holiday gathering season (yay!) but since taking a step back from drinking earlier this year, I’ve been a little more creative in my gifts! I absolutely love bringing the Trader Joe’s peppermint bark – it’s a total crowd-pleaser, $10, and amazing. Plus it comes in a super cute tin! If they’re out, these candy-cane dark chocolate almonds are a close second 🙂

Career advice for feedback season

  • I started a new job this fall, and when receiving feedback I wasn’t getting much concrete advice on what to work on, so I asked my manager how he would change his feedback if he knew I had been there for a year already. BOOM, suddenly I was getting awesome, actionable feedback that would help me grow. Getting good feedback and coaching is about asking the right questions, and being bold in your desire to grow!

Calming the Storm Rosary Podcast

  • You know I love my Daily Rosary Meditations podcast, but this episode was extra good! Listen here!

Gift guide incoming 🙂

  • Next week we’ll have our annual gift guide, so if you’ve found something you love this year, please reply and let me know!! It’s always so fun to share your favorite things 🙂

Maggie Rogers’ Alaska

  • Apparently I’m about seven years late on this song but WOW it’s very good!!! I have it on repeat. And I can’t listen without dancing. Check it out here!

A perfect NYC Christmas weekend

  • I went up to NYC for the first time since graduating in May, and it was so lovely to be back!! I got to catch up with friends, go back to some of my favorite churches, enjoy yummy meals, and finally see the Rockettes (12/10 recommend)! So grateful for my lovely friends, especially Katie and Anna for making it so special 🙂

Prayer requests

  • For a friend struggling with a difficult pregnancy
  • For all those who have nowhere to sleep in the cold
  • For a friend whose baby just started attending daycare
  • For my church’s retreat this weekend!
  • For anyone experiencing loneliness during this holiday season, that we might see them and respond in welcome and love

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