New Year, Same God

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Bold in Life, The SundayMonday Tuesday Archives

  • Happy New Year! 2024 – can you believe it? Although not much has changed in the past two days, January 1 always reminds me that God “makes all things new,” and that He is “doing a new thing.” Because it’s the truth! He’s always doing something new, something beautiful in our hearts and lives. And this week, we get to celebrate that with the world!

    I love looking back and reflecting on what God has taught me in the past year, and 2023 was a wild ride. This past year held the most growth I have ever experienced spiritually (hopefully I can say that every year!), and He walked with me through so many glorious moments and carried me through achy days.

    I saw a quote by the poet Ingrid Goff-Maidoff last week that gorgeously summed up much of what I learned this year. It read: God spoke today in flowers, and I, who was waiting on words, almost missed the conversation.

    Over and over last year, God reminded me of His faithfulness, His love, and His generosity – but rarely through the ways or places or people I expected.How frequently He loved me through a chance encounter, a kind word, a thoughtful gift, words on the page, and simple graces in prayer. And if I had stayed so immovably fixated on the specific intentions and desires of my prayers, these personal gifts would have passed me by. As Ingrid says above – I would have “missed the conversation.”

    My beloved friend Anna reminded me recently of the gift of “noticing” – that God is always moving and acting, but we can’t perceive Him unless we pause and make space to see, and to be grateful for the gifts He has given us in abundance. That’s why I love ending every day with an Examen, and a reflection on my “consolations” (moments I felt close to God, moments of gratitude) and “desolations” (moments I turned away from God or felt far from Him) of the day. In these final moments of the day, I can “notice” what He is doing, which increases my faith, hope, and trust in Him.

    Maybe that’s an invitation for all of us this year. While setting New Year’s resolutions and goals, can we make space to notice what God is doing, and what He might be inviting us into this year? Are there any “flowers” we could be missing? His plans might be different from what we want or expect, but they will be good because He is the giver of all good gifts. Whatever glorious moments or difficult seasons lie ahead, He is faithful, and in noticing His goodness may we remain steadfast in our hope, joy, and love.

    In Christ,


    What we’re loving lately:

    Poco a Poco episode: End of year identity check

    • You all know I love my Poco a Poco podcast… and this episode was no different! I cannot recommend it more; it’s a great episode to help us look back and pray through how the Lord worked in our lives last year.

    From my heart to yours

    • This is something I think about so often and I loved the Pope’s reflection on it. We have so much control over what we allow into our hearts and minds – how are you nurturing and guarding your heart?

    Looking for a prayer refresh?

    Many people desire to refresh their prayer lives in the new year, so here are some of my favorite resources that help me experience fruitful and consistent prayer:

    • Jesus Calling Daily Devotional: This one is a crowd favorite; whenever I’m having a hard time settling into prayer, I go to the day’s devotion and it often helps get me back on track (you can google them for free online, but I love having a hard copy in my home)
    • Daily Readings: The Catholic church has universal readings for every day, including a reading from the Old or New Testament, a psalm, and the daily Gospel. I’m a big fan of The Magnificat and their reflections, but you can also find them for free online or on the Laudate app.
    • Hallow: Full disclosure, I don’t use Hallow but I know so many people who do and love it! They’re having a bunch of sales for the new year, so it’s a great time to check them out!
    • Daily Rosary Meditations podcast: I love this podcast; it makes praying the Rosary so easy and I really enjoy the meditations offered between each decade. They publish a new episode daily!
    • What did I miss? Let me know your other favorites by replying to this email!

    Hello from the snow!

    • It’s been such a gift to be up in Tahoe with my family for the Holidays! Here’s a pic of the gorgeous lake. I have such great prayer when I’m on skis and chairlifts… God’s gifts are so abundant and present on the mountains!

  • Prayer requests
    • For a friend who is sick
    • For openness to God’s perfect will in all of our lives

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