The Joy of Being a Participant
Happy Tuesday gals! Last Wednesday, I celebrated my one-year anniversary of being back in DC...
Episode 104| Overwhelm, Organization, and the Value of Play
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
Episode 102| Making Hard Decisions
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous
I’m officially back at work after two glorious weeks on the beach, and my current project is to...
Main Character Energy
Last weekend, I attended a nondenominational Christian service with a friend from work. At one...
Straws and Crosswalks
A few years ago, I bought a reusable straw in a valiant attempt to save the sea turtles I was...
Episode 95| 2023 Recap and 2024 Word of the Year Announcement!
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
Episode 93| Friendship, Beauty, and Raising Eight Kids with Adele Collins
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
An Invitation to Obedience
Earlier this year, I embarked on the journey of Fiat90 with a small group of friends. Fiat90 is a...
Should women work?
I get asked all the time about my thoughts on whether women should be in the workplace or at home...
The Gift of New Beginnings
Last Friday, I had my first day at my new job – my first full-time, real job since heading off to...
Finding God in Foxholes
Last week, I devoured Fr. Thomas Dubay's Prayer Primer, a book that breaks down the who, what,...
Call Your Mother!!
Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, one of the most beautiful feast days in the Church. We...
When Your Emotions Are a Little Tricky to Navigate
There is one question I have received a zillion times this summer: "Are you excited to go back to...
Episode 80| Faithfulness with Claire Dwyer: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...