How do you receive God’s gifts?

The gift of a new day. The gift of a warm cup of coffee. The gift of the mass. The gift of a full fridge. The gift of a job. The gift of family, friends, community. The gift of a kind word from a colleague. Wherever we look, whatever we face, do we receive life truly believing that all is gift?

I know it’s a challenging idea. What about the hard things in life – can they honestly be classified as gifts? What about the pandemic? A friend’s cancer diagnosis? An unanswered prayer? Life is hard. But the “all is gift” life is not one that brushes off hard things. It’s one that embraces the unknown with complete peace because of a deep and abiding trust in God.

A life of “all is gift” invites us to partake in the creative action of God. It’s the freedom to do all things knowing that our work, our ‘yes,’ our suffering serves a greater purpose than anything we could figure out on our own. It shifts the perspective from momentary to eternal. It tears us away from self-sufficiency and rightly orders us as members of the body of Christ.

A life where all things are gift is one rooted in gratitude. It’s one with a firm foundation of surrender. It allows us to take everything – the good and the bad – knowing that God’s love is with us and He never abandons us. It’s as easy as pausing for a few moments each day and thanking God for all things, both the good and the bad.

How can you live “all is gift” today?


In Christ,


This Week on The SundayMonday Show

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Episode Fifteen: MINISODE – Handling Uncertainty

On this minisode, we’re tackling uncertainty. Uncertainty is a fact of life – we are simply not in control. How do we marry our uncertainty with our faith? Is it wrong to face doubt and anxiety about the future? Today, I’m talking all about how we can face uncertainty by bringing our fear and worry into the light! I’m sharing two actionable responses to uncertainty, as well as scripture and my absolute favorite prayer to whip out when things get shaky.

Episode Sixteen: Living an Ordered Life

What does it look like to live a life of order? What habits, routines, and disciplines can we implement to live a full, bold, and courageous life, with clear priorities and vision? My guest today is a fount of wisdom when it comes to this very topic, and I’m so thrilled to share her with you today!

On this episode, Mary Ellen shares her “Olympian” mentality, how she’s made space for silence, the habits that have had the biggest impact on her life, and why a life of order isn’t boring. I know this episode is going to jazz you up and can’t wait to put her advice into action in my own life!

Leave us a voice message and let us know what’s on your mind! Send in questions, comments, and ideas for how you bring your faith into work.

What we’re loving lately (on the blog and beyond!)

Stepping Out into the Waves by Joy Ruiz

After deciding to apply for nursing school, Joy found herself in a season of unprecedented uncertainty. All at once, her future, her job, and her housing situation were all up in the air. Through fear, false-starts, and a bit of frustration, Joy found her way closer to God as she pursued His plan for her life in total trust.

Operation Varsity Blues on Netflix

I was completely captivated by this documentary about the college admissions scandals on Netflix. We all know the story, but there’s something about listening to the conversations between the admissions coach and the parents that is so profoundly sad. It’s a reflection on our culture – a culture that is imposing immense pressure on kids to achieve levels of unreasonable prestige for the sake of their parents’ reputation. I also found it to be a poignant reflection on sin. So often, we do something that we know is a wrong, but justify it because the people around us are doing it as well. As C.S. Lewis says, “The safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” These parents took the gradual road to illegal activity, sliding further and further until they were in a place they likely never intended to be. We gotta stay awake!

New Wine 

This song has been on REPLAY for the past three days. I love finding new worship songs that hit in just the right way, at the perfect time.

When can you stop discerning and start doing? by Jane Kennedy

This is one of our most popular pieces, so we’re resurfacing it! Want an action plan to move from discernment to action? Here you go!

Have something you’re loving that you want to share with us? Respond to this email!

Liturgical Living with Gabriela R.A. Doyle

  • March 24th is the original feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel, my namesake! Before all the archangels’ feast days moved to be celebrated together on September 29, St. Gabriel’s day was in March, followed by the feast of the Annunciation on March 25th. Pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary today in his honor, and meditate upon his words in the Hail Mary. Since St. Gabriel is also the patron saint of communications workers, text a friend who works in journalism or another comms field to tell them you appreciate their work!

  • This is the last week before Holy Week! If you haven’t had a chance to go to Confession yet or feel like you’ve slipped up on your Lenten sacrifice (or additions!), take this week to recommit and prepare your heart for Easter.

Words of the Week

“I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD, your God, is with you wherever you go.”

// Joshua 1:9

Intentions for This Week

For a special intention. For a friend. For all those making decisions about the future. For an increase in receptivity to the Holy Spirit.

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Jane Kennedy

Jane Kennedy

Jane was born in Australia, raised in California, and is overjoyed to now call NYC home. She graduated from UCSB with degrees in Political Science and Communication and spent the past two years working in criminal justice reform. She is currently an MBA student at NYU Stern, focusing on entrepreneurship and strategy.

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