Many of us have been there. Finding an apartment, signing a lease, packing boxes, renting a...
Renee Fuentes
To Women Who Work
This piece is based on a talk given by the author during a young adult women’s retreat for the...
Encounter Jesus in The Chosen
“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find...
Confessions of a Chasti-holic
Here’s something I’ve never told anyone before: I missed the first and only chastity talk at my...
Relationship Precedes Mission
The following are reflections from a participant of the 2021 GIVEN Catholic Young Women’s...
Nothing I Hold Onto
I Lean Not On My Own Understanding. My life is in the hands of the maker of Heaven. There was,...
An Imminent Conversion
It was around 11:00 am and I was in the bathroom at work crying. It’s never a place you want your...
An Extrovert’s Guide to Finding Community
In the aftermath of a cannonball shattering his leg in battle, St. Ignatius of Loyola was lying in...
November 4
I’m not one to make election predictions, but I do predict that on November 4, 2020, we will not...
A Weekly Pilgrimage
Have you ever had a profound conversation in the most mundane place? God can work anywhere. ...
Called by Name
I was talking with a friend recently about a conversation she had with a religious sister about...
The Hunger for God
I know what it’s like to struggle with habitual mortal sin. I know what it’s like to justify it,...