Episode 74| Goodbye, NYC! A Heart-to-Heart with Jacelyn Vo

Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here.   Jacey was one of my very first NYC friends (we actually went to college together!) and we both...

The “Next Chapter!”

In the flurry of graduating from my MBA program this past month, I’ve received a lot of advice and encouragement. But hands down, the phrase I’ve heard the most is “I’m so excited for you and this next chapter!” These are kind words, spoken with genuine enthusiasm,...

A Season of Business

As March rolls around, I can hear the collective groans from my coworkers and I starting. We’ve entered what is affectionately referred to as “busy season.” Busy season is marked by long hard hours and work weeks that don’t end on Fridays. Every hour possible is spent...

One Step Closer to That Promotion

So you’ve been in your role for months -- maybe even years -- and you’re tired and frustrated. It could be that you’re bored and don’t see a clear path to the next opportunity. Or perhaps it’s the opposite -- you’re working overtime, picking up other responsibilities,...

How Do You Define Your “Life’s Work”?

Whether you love or hate your job — Jesus is offering you a chance to glorify Him through it. What a doozy of a question. But let’s make it easy and put the answer right here in the first paragraph – if you’re constantly searching for your true “life’s work”, you’re...

Make It Like Our Birthday Everyday

The SundayMonday is ONE! ​ On June 1, 2020, the doors to The SundayMonday opened, and this crazy journey began. To say that this past year has been one of the most wild, fun, and unexpected years of my life is an understatement. Because of you all and this site, I've...

Dear Graduating Jane…

It's Grad Week here at The SundayMonday! Every day, we'll be sharing content that celebrates, encourages, and empowers our newest worker gals as they take the next step into the world. Be sure you're following along over on Instagram, where our lovely resident...

Stepping Out into the Waves

Let nothing disturb you;Let nothing frighten you,All things pass away.God never changes. Since September, I’ve been in a season of transformation and transition.  I decided to apply to a nursing school program I’d had my eyes on for a while, took online courses for...

God’s Will or My Own?

  Never give up. We hear this phrase all the time. Quitting is associated with failure. Weakness. Settling.    But what if the dream you’re trying to achieve isn’t God’s will?    -----   As I raced through the hallways of St. Mary’s College of...

The Weight of the World

I still remember the smell of stale chalk on my hands. I recall the feel of dried sweat on my forehead and the ache in my stomach as I began my gymnastics routine. My heart raced as the eyes of my friends and family rested upon me. Before saluting the judges, I always...
A Season of Business

A Season of Business

As March rolls around, I can hear the collective groans from my coworkers and I starting. We’ve...

Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

Ever since I was young, I have felt pressure to be successful and work in a practical and...

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