Work Well Wednesdays

Every Wednesday, we answer your questions about work here and on Social Media.

Have a burning question? Submit it below!

Saying No

Saying No How did you respond the last time someone asked you to do something you really didn’t want to do? Did you take time to think about it? Did you politely decline? Did you swallow your objections and say yes to avoid making waves?   As Catholic Christian...

When can I stop discerning and start doing?

"When can I stop discerning and start doing?" Do you ever get stuck in the cycle of discernment, looking for a sign or some roses or a billboard that will tell you which way to go (ps if you want to hear an epic story about that rose⬆️, send me message!)? ⁣⁣⁣⁣If...

Five Things I Wish I Knew When Starting my First Job

Starting a your first post-grad job? Feeling nervous/excited/ready/unsure? I've been there, and I've learned a lot along the way! Here are five things I wish I knew when starting my first job:   1. You're here to learn how to work   In my opinion, our first...

Setting Boundaries at Work

Spoiler alert: the only person who has the ability to set and enforce your boundaries is you.   I remember starting a job where I felt like I needed to be ON 24/7. At first, it was exciting. I was always on call, always needed, always in on the action. But after...

Get Your Learning On

Today’s #WorkWellWednesday is all about online courses!⁣ ⁣ When I realized that we’d probably be in this for a longer haul, I started to think about how I’d like to spend my summer quarantine weekends and hours saved from commuting into my office. I saw some people...

Feeling Stuck

It's #workwellwednesday, and this week's topic is one I've been messaged about for weeks:⁣ ⁣ Stuck-ness.⁣ ⁣ We're going on month four of Quarantine, with virtually no end in sight. For months, we've worked away in our homes, sitting on Zoom meetings and trying to...

Three Books Every 20-Something Needs to Read

Please note - this piece contains affiliate links. Your purchase will help support the work of The SundayMonday. After graduating college and starting my first job in 2017, I was faced with an unsettling question: Now what?   I had walked the path, I had earned a...

Finding Purpose at Work through Efficacy Projects

The most common reason that many of us struggle with finding meaningful work is because we lack something called efficacy. Efficacy is having "the ability to produce a desired or intended result." I.e.; you can set a goal, create a plan and achieve it. You have a...

Is it Prideful to Ask for a Raise?

 Is it prideful to ask for a raise?⁣⁣Our faith teaches us to be humble, grateful, and peaceful. The idea of asking for a raise, which necessitates confidence in our value and assertion of our needs, can seem counter to these values. But is it?⁣⁣The Lord commands us to...
Saying No

Saying No

Saying No How did you respond the last time someone asked you to do something you really didn’t...

Get Your Learning On

Get Your Learning On

Today’s #WorkWellWednesday is all about online courses!⁣ ⁣ When I realized that we’d probably be...

Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck

It's #workwellwednesday, and this week's topic is one I've been messaged about for weeks:⁣ ⁣...

Submit your #WorkWellWednesday Question Here:

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