Childlike Faith

Hi friends! ​ It is *very* late on Monday night and I am quite tired, but I read an article today that moved me deeply and thought I would share with you (see below!)! If you like this article, I highly recommend Claire's substack – you can subscribe to that here. ​...

God’s Voice Within

My view as I write this newsletter! Swoon. Prayer requests For baby Brynn who made her appearance this week! And for her mom, Carly For everyone traveling for the holiday For a special intention!   Whenever someone asks, "How do you hear God's voice?" my answer...

A Funner Summer!

Did you know there's a fun scale!? I learned about it this week!! See below: ​I think this idea *technically* relates to outdoor activities, but I think it's pretty relevant across the board. And since my word of the year is "fun" it got me thinking a bit about how...

Simplicity of the Spirit

Last night after mass, I made a new friend on the stairs in front of the church. It was the best kind of new friend – a friend introduced by another good friend! We fell deep into conversation, which continued even after our mutual friend had left, and quickly got to...

One of God’s Favorites

A few weeks ago, I visited with a friend who was recounting the many blessings overflowing into her life. At one point, she looked at me and said, “Jane, I’m one of God’s favorites.” ​ I burst out laughing, but I loved it so much. It’s true!! She is one of God’s...

I can do it by myself

Over the summer, my mom digitized a bunch of our old home videos. One afternoon, we all sat around her iPad laughing at clips we hadn't seen in years. It was wild to see moments and memories from my childhood, but what struck me most of all was how formed my...

Bibles in the Beer Garden

A couple of weeks ago I was at a happy hour with some friends in my run club, and the topic shifted (as it often does) to God. The two of them had been baptized as infants and asked me if we'd all end up in the same heaven – you know – a light, 6 pm happy hour...

Here’s to 29!!

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. ​ Every year during my birthday week, I write the newsletter about what I've learned during that year. (You can go back and look at 27 Lessons fo​r 27 Years, and last year's Ten Truths...

Is It Time To Swap Bikes?

On Sunday morning, my friends and ran the Cherry Blossom ten-miler (last race of the spring, I promise!). At the crack of dawn, we went out to find electric Lime bikes to ride down to the start line. As soon as the three of us rented the bikes and started riding, it...

This Is The Day

Happy Easter friends!! We have made it through the Lenten season, into a time of great celebration, joy, and feasting. I hope you had a blessed Easter Sunday with the people you love! ​ A common refrain in this Easter season is Psalm 118:24: This is the day the Lord...
Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith

Hi friends! ​ It is *very* late on Monday night and I am quite tired, but I read an article today...

A Funner Summer!

A Funner Summer!

Did you know there's a fun scale!? I learned about it this week!! See below: ​I think this idea...

Here’s to 29!!

Here’s to 29!!

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. ​ Every year...

This Is The Day

This Is The Day

Happy Easter friends!! We have made it through the Lenten season, into a time of great...

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