His Time, Not Mine
A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a priest who I really love, and explaining to him a certain...
The Joy of Being a Participant
Happy Tuesday gals! Last Wednesday, I celebrated my one-year anniversary of being back in DC...
Stung on the Tongue
On Wednesday of last week, I was (literally) stung on the tongue. The details are fuzzy (or......
Au Revoir, Paris!
Bonjour, friends!! I am back from a delightful week in Paris, and while I'm happy to be home, I...
All That I Have is Yours
As I've mentioned previously in this newsletter, I loved the movie Inside Out 2. It...
Episode 104| Overwhelm, Organization, and the Value of Play
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
Childlike Faith
Hi friends! It is *very* late on Monday night and I am quite tired, but I read an article today...
Episode 103| A Psalm 23 Summer
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
God’s Voice Within
My view as I write this newsletter! Swoon. Prayer requests For baby Brynn who made her appearance...
A Funner Summer!
Did you know there's a fun scale!? I learned about it this week!! See below: I think this idea...
Episode 102| Making Hard Decisions
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
Simplicity of the Spirit
Last night after mass, I made a new friend on the stairs in front of the church. It was the best...
One of God’s Favorites
A few weeks ago, I visited with a friend who was recounting the many blessings overflowing into...
Episode 101| Catholic Influencers and Hot Takes
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere...
I can do it by myself
Over the summer, my mom digitized a bunch of our old home videos. One afternoon, we all sat around...