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“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age”
Matthew 28:20
Inspiration over obligation
Popping in for a quick newsletter this morning—my parents were in town this weekend, which was such a delight (despite the freezing temperatures!). I spent the weekend away from screens, so this is coming to you live on Tuesday morning. What’s on my mind this week...
Welcome to Cozy January
It's a new year, folks, and like usual, it feels like I'm surrounded by messaging to do more, set wild goals, and get after it. But can I tell you something? I'm a little tired. And cold. And recovering from my annual January sickness. And as much as I love a...
2024 Seeds and Word of the Year 2025!
As the year came to a close, I asked myself “What are the good seeds that were planted in 2024, that I want to watch bloom in 2025?” Here are a few of my seeds from last year, in no particular order: 1. Monday MorningsVolunteering at the soup kitchen on Monday...
Happy Christmas Eve!
Happy Christmas Eve! This is just a quick note to wish you a joyful and peaceful Christmas and to let you know I’ll be taking the next couple of weeks off to rest, reset, and spend quality time with my family and friends. Last week, I heard the most moving story...
The Theology of Kevin McCallister
Last night, while I was curled up on my couch, the Lord spoke to me through Home Alone 2. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Don't worry – what I'm about to share is not a spoiler. Kevin McCallister is an eight-year-old boy who ends up in NYC all alone and...
The International Arrivals Gate of Advent
It’s the second week of Advent, and someone needs to tell DC to decide if it’s deep winter or balmy fall! Weather commentary aside, the priest's homily this weekend provided a beautiful image of Advent: the International Arrivals gate at the airport. Picture it:...
The Goodness of God
Happy First Week of Advent! I hope you had a wonderful and blessed week with your loved ones! My time at home in California was a gift—filled with time with family, laughter, walks with friends, running, shopping, and simply resting in the goodness and faithfulness...
Gratitude beyond the Grid
Happy Christmas Eve! This is just a quick note to wish you a joyful and peaceful Christmas and to let you know I’ll be taking the next couple of weeks off to rest, reset, and spend quality time with my family and friends. Last week, I heard the most moving story...
Pray Like a Pirate
I absolutely love learning about how other people pray. It’s a pretty self-serving activity, actually, because I often borrow (read: steal) ideas from what’s working for other people and apply them to my own life. Recently, I was reminded of the “ARRR” or “pray like...
Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too
When you think of God, who do you envision? Is it a vengeful deity, disappointed by the waywardness of the Israelites? Or do you picture the loving father, joyfully welcoming his prodigal son with a grand feast? Perhaps you think of the God who has intimately,...
His Time, Not Mine
A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a priest who I really love, and explaining to him a certain situation I was walking through. "I just don't want to waste my time," I explained, barely concealing my exasperation. "Well, it's not your time, it's His," he responded...
The Power of Pondering
Hello!! I hope you all have had a wonderful past two weeks 🙂 I was enjoying quality time and a great adventure with my family on a cruise up the coast of Alaska. I missed writing this, but thought about (or pondered 😉 ) you all and this newsletter quite a bit, even...
The Joy of Being a Participant
Happy Tuesday gals! Last Wednesday, I celebrated my one-year anniversary of being back in DC (!!). It sure feels like I've been here much longer than that... this year has held many seasons, and I'm grateful for everything the Lord has provided me in each one! My...
Stung on the Tongue
On Wednesday of last week, I was (literally) stung on the tongue. The details are fuzzy (or... buzzy 😉), but one moment I was walking down the street, gabbing on the phone with my mom, and the next a big bug had flown into my mouth and stung me quicker than I could...
Episode 105| Mid-Year “Word of the Year” Review!! with Erica Carnohan
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. My girly is back and we are here with all of the updates on our words of the year, and just a little...
Au Revoir, Paris!
Bonjour, friends!! I am back from a delightful week in Paris, and while I'm happy to be home, I was quite sad to leave. It was my first time there, and the city is one of my very favorites now! Biking through the streets past the most gorgeous buildings, eating so...
All That I Have is Yours
As I've mentioned previously in this newsletter, I loved the movie Inside Out 2. It introduces a new emotion into the mind of the 13-year-old protagonist, one that many of us know well: Envy. It can seem impossible to avoid envy. That girl has cute shoes,...
Episode 104| Overwhelm, Organization, and the Value of Play
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. One of the trickiest feelings to face is overwhelm, and it's so tempting to grasp for control and quick...
Childlike Faith
Hi friends! It is *very* late on Monday night and I am quite tired, but I read an article today that moved me deeply and thought I would share with you (see below!)! If you like this article, I highly recommend Claire's substack – you can subscribe to that here. ...
Episode 103| A Psalm 23 Summer
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Summer is here!! And this year, I've been completely captivated by Psalm 23 and what it says about rest,...
God’s Voice Within
My view as I write this newsletter! Swoon. Prayer requests For baby Brynn who made her appearance this week! And for her mom, Carly For everyone traveling for the holiday For a special intention! Whenever someone asks, "How do you hear God's voice?" my answer...
A Funner Summer!
Did you know there's a fun scale!? I learned about it this week!! See below: I think this idea *technically* relates to outdoor activities, but I think it's pretty relevant across the board. And since my word of the year is "fun" it got me thinking a bit about how...
Episode 102| Making Hard Decisions
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. One of the marks of adulthood is having to make decisions - and often, they're hard ones! So much of the...
Simplicity of the Spirit
Last night after mass, I made a new friend on the stairs in front of the church. It was the best kind of new friend – a friend introduced by another good friend! We fell deep into conversation, which continued even after our mutual friend had left, and quickly got to...
One of God’s Favorites
A few weeks ago, I visited with a friend who was recounting the many blessings overflowing into her life. At one point, she looked at me and said, “Jane, I’m one of God’s favorites.” I burst out laughing, but I loved it so much. It’s true!! She is one of God’s...
Where the air is fresher and cleaner
I am a stubborn girly. When I set my mind to something, very few things can get in my way. This determination has served me well throughout my life – I know what it takes to keep my head down and grind, and my persistence has opened doors I'm so grateful to have...
“Abba Father!”
This past Sunday's readings are some of my all-time favorites. I was GIDDY reading them in preparation for mass. I will never, ever tire of reflecting on the reality of God the Father. I felt an initial pull to get to know God the Father more intimately about a year...
Episode 101| Catholic Influencers and Hot Takes
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Let's do it: it's time to talk about the elephant in the room. What's the deal with Catholic influencers?...
Celebrating 100 podcast episodes!! And third places
Hello and happy Tuesday! Today marks a big milestone for The SundayMonday – the 100th episode of our podcast, "The SundayMonday Show" dropped this morning!! It's wild to reach this point. When I started the SundayMonday almost four years ago, I was always determined...
Episode 100| Three Lessons from 100 Episodes
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Holy guacamole... 100 episodes!! I cannot believe it. 🙂 On today's episode, I'm reminiscing on the...
I can do it by myself
Over the summer, my mom digitized a bunch of our old home videos. One afternoon, we all sat around her iPad laughing at clips we hadn't seen in years. It was wild to see moments and memories from my childhood, but what struck me most of all was how formed my...
Bibles in the Beer Garden
A couple of weeks ago I was at a happy hour with some friends in my run club, and the topic shifted (as it often does) to God. The two of them had been baptized as infants and asked me if we'd all end up in the same heaven – you know – a light, 6 pm happy hour...
One Minute on the Clock
A few months ago, a TikTok was going around featuring a young woman in her first job, who was freaking out about working every day from 9-5. She complained that after waking up early to commute into the city, working all day, and commuting home, she had no time or...
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous
I’m officially back at work after two glorious weeks on the beach, and my current project is to help design a portfolio strategy for a public organization. As I was putting together the slide deck outline yesterday, one of the partners suggested I include a page...
Here’s to 29!!
Good morning and happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. Every year during my birthday week, I write the newsletter about what I've learned during that year. (You can go back and look at 27 Lessons for 27 Years, and last year's Ten Truths...
Episode 99| Friendship with the Saints
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This week's episode is all about the saints! In 99 episodes, I can't believe I haven't dedicated an episode...
Is It Time To Swap Bikes?
On Sunday morning, my friends and ran the Cherry Blossom ten-miler (last race of the spring, I promise!). At the crack of dawn, we went out to find electric Lime bikes to ride down to the start line. As soon as the three of us rented the bikes and started riding, it...
This Is The Day
Happy Easter friends!! We have made it through the Lenten season, into a time of great celebration, joy, and feasting. I hope you had a blessed Easter Sunday with the people you love! A common refrain in this Easter season is Psalm 118:24: This is the day the Lord...
God’s Will is Where We Are
Can you believe it's Holy Week? This is my favorite week of the year to be a Catholic. Gorgeous masses, rich traditions, and so much incense! And of course, it all leads to the celebration of Easter. We're so close! I wrote before how this has been the Lent of...
The Ultimate Pacer
This past weekend, I ran the DC Rock N Roll half-marathon with my little brother and a bunch of friends. My goal was to run it in 2 hours (cutting about 5 minutes off my previous time from almost 10 years ago!) But about two months ago, I hurt my knee and had to sit...
Episode 98| Go to St.Joseph!! with Katie Mittel
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. We are blessed with three-peat guest, Katie Mittel, to talk about one of our very favorite people: St....
It Matters to God
I love nothing more than a deep convo with a good friend. Inevitably, at some point in the conversation, they’ll share something they’re going through – a suffering in their life, an annoyance at work, a personal situation, or some other difficulty. My response is...
Episode 97| The Three Enemies of Surrender
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This is the Lent of the Surrender Novena, and we love to see it! Why is it so popular? My hypothesis is...
Matchmaking and a Snowstorm
"You are sleepless; you want to judge everything, direct everything and see to everything and you surrender to human strength, or worse—to men themselves, trusting in their intervention—this is what hinders my words and my views. Oh, how much I wish from you this...
Main Character Energy
Last weekend, I attended a nondenominational Christian service with a friend from work. At one point in the sermon, the pastor put a quote up on the projector that read: "What you think about when you think about God is the single most important thing about you." -...
Episode 96| Behind the Scenes of the SundayMonday
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. We're back for a new season, and since we're almost to 100 episodes, I wanted to take the opportunity to...
Straws and Crosswalks
A few years ago, I bought a reusable straw in a valiant attempt to save the sea turtles I was probably killing with my abundant plastic straw use. My straw (and its cute little carrying case) came everywhere with me, and I used it in my iced coffee, my sparkly waters,...
Big Hearts, Little Hearts 💕
This weekend, I was catching up on Fr. Mike's homily podcasts and finally listened to his episode from a couple of weeks ago. In it, he said something that stopped me in my tracks: When we talk to God, when we have some pain, some kind of thing that's distressing...
Control and Abandonment
Hi friends! On Sunday afternoon, I returned home from an incredible four-day silent retreat. We stayed in an old English manor nestled in the blue hills of Virginia... If anyone is in the DMV area or wants to make a trip, I cannot recommend Longlea more! It had been...
Doing Hard Things
Happy Tuesday, friends! Let's talk about doing hard things. We swim in a culture that proclaims "good things are hard," and that anything worth doing or achieving is usually difficult. I have worked for things that required immense sacrifice, discipline, and...
In Whose Orbit?
A few years ago, my good friend Bridget and I were having a conversation about sin, and she said something that has stayed with me since: "All sin is simply a result of us grasping at a good thing that we don't trust God wants to give us freely." Oof. I have seen...
Be a Good Loser
Last week on the podcast, I shared my word of the year for 2024: fun. As usual, this word has many "satellite" words that accompany it, including childlike, trust, freedom, joy, play, etc. In my prayer, I've come to see that there are countless ways this word can...
Episode 95| 2023 Recap and 2024 Word of the Year Announcement!
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. My girly Erica is back and we're reflecting on 2023 (and our words "abundance" and "providence") as well as...
In: Humiliation
Let's talk about everyone's favorite subject: humility. To be totally candid, I have an ideal vision of humility, and it looks like this: [Zoom in on an open floor office plan. Jane and her colleagues are working at their desks, diligently. A partner from the firm...
New Year, Same God
Happy New Year! 2024 – can you believe it? Although not much has changed in the past two days, January 1 always reminds me that God "makes all things new," and that He is "doing a new thing." Because it's the truth! He's always doing something new, something beautiful...
On the Second Day of Christmas…
Merry Christmas my beloved friends!! I hope you are enjoying time with those you love and who love you. This little pocket of time between Christmas and New Year's is one of my very favorites because these days feel like "free days!" Few companies are open, email...
He Is Doing a New Thing
How does God want to surprise you this Christmas? When I think of Christmas, I think of traditions. For my family, these include reading Twas Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve, hosting a caroling party, attending Christmas Eve mass, and having to pause on...
The Apostle of Hope
If you've been here for any length of time, you're probably quite aware that I am a *big* St. Jude fan. St. Jude, the apostle and friend of Jesus, is often forgotten about because his name is so similar to that of the traitor (Judas Iscariot). However, those who ask...
The Monster Under the Bed
When I was a little kid, I was terrified of monsters. I'm sure many of you were, too. Every night, I would check under my bed and in my closet for anything out of the ordinary, and then I would turn off my lights and sprint to my bed before anything spooky could grab...
Episode 94| Trusting God in Seasons of Waiting
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Advent is here - our very own liturgical season of waiting. So what better time to talk about how we can...
The Fear of Suffering
One of my favorite things about being Christian is that we are constantly being invited to grow. Actually, sometimes I find this very annoying because every time I think I'm "good," the Lord reveals a new place for me to let Him work. Over the past year, I've...
Episode 93| Friendship, Beauty, and Raising Eight Kids with Adele Collins
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. I am SO excited to share this episode, a conversation with my new friend Adele who is such a beacon...
What Am I Made For?
This past Sunday's first reading is one of my very favorites: the Proverbs 31 Woman. The world is always telling us what it means to be a woman, and it can be overwhelming to try to live up to every expectation being thrown at us from every direction. However, the...
Episode 92| A Guided Meditation for Trust
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Join me in a little guided meditation this week! This is one of my favorite ways to pray when I'm...
Are You Available to God?
One of my toxic traits is that I often overextend myself. Everything always just sounds so FUN! I have long been notorious for "stacking" events; i.e., a happy hour followed by a dinner followed by a birthday party, etc. The reality of living this way, however, became...
Episode 91| Are You Available to God?
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. As we prepare to embark on the beauty and busyness of the holiday season, I wanted to pause to reflect on...
A Beautiful Innocence
A couple of weeks ago, two of my friends discovered that I had never read John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. To remedy that, one of them lent me her book and I dove in. I really enjoyed East of Eden and was excited for another journey through my beloved Northern...
Episode 90| Moving, Transitions, and Making New Friends
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. I've officially been back in DC for a little over two months and wanted to share some of what I've been...
Episode 89| Surrendering Control
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. In faith and life, one of the toughest struggles we face is our desire to be in control. It...
An Invitation to Obedience
Earlier this year, I embarked on the journey of Fiat90 with a small group of friends. Fiat90 is a 90-day program of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to prepare for Easter. You may have heard of the men's version, Exodus90, which involves cold showers and 5 a.m. alarms...
Should women work?
I get asked all the time about my thoughts on whether women should be in the workplace or at home with their families. I am extraordinarily unequipped to answer this question, yet I get it frequently. I think it’s because (especially in the Catholic women's space)...
Episode 88| Let’s Talk About Breakups
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This one has been in the cooker for a while, and I was so glad to have my bff Erica Carnohan join me...
The gift of the present moment
I don't know what's in the water, but I sure know what's in my podcast feed this week: the sacrament of the present moment. Fr. Mike, Abiding Together, Poco a Poco, Dr. Mike... it's everywhere! So I figured we could spend some time chatting about it here. I'm a big...
Getting Out of the Way
I spent this past weekend on retreat and it was, in a word, spectacular. I never feel more connected to Peter, James, and John on Mt. Tabor than I do when I’m on retreat; are You sure I can’t just build a tent and stay here forever with You, Lord? But the whole...
Solidcore, Street Pianos, and the Good Shepherd
One of the most significant benefits of writing this weekly newsletter is that I'm constantly on the lookout for God's movements in my daily life – partly because I want to be aware of His presence, and also because come Monday evening, I need something to write...
Get Back in the Ring
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all...
Episode 87| Gentleness with Kendra Diaz: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. I can't believe we're wrapping up our Fruit of the Spirit series! This has been so much fun for me – and I...
Abandonment and Attraction
For the past few months, I've slowly been making my way through the book, Abandonment to Divine Providence. It is so good, and I usually have to pause after each page to fully digest what I've just read. I also frequently send photos of pages to friends, and I've been...
Episode 86| Love with Courtney Taylor: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Courtney Taylor is here and today we’re talking all about love!! What is love? How do we define it...
Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, and the Vice of Curiositas
Last week, I found myself utterly devastated by news that had absolutely nothing to do with me: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are separating after four years of marriage and two children together. If you have absolutely no idea who or what I'm talking about,...
Episode 85| Peace with Emily Peters: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. I am over the moon to bring you my dear friend Emily Peters today! Emily and I attended college...
Little Prayers, Big Trust
On Friday night, after a DC Restaurant Week dinner, my friend and I passed a bar where a young father was standing outside, holding a brand new fresh little baby. My friend and I gasped at the cuteness and I said a quick little mental prayer: “Wow, Jesus, it would...
Episode 84| Goodness with Emily Frederick: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. I'm so excited for you to meet our queen of "goodness," Emily (St. Paul) Frederick! Emily and I went...
The Gift of New Beginnings
Last Friday, I had my first day at my new job – my first full-time, real job since heading off to business school in the fall of 2021. We spent the day learning how to turn on our computers, reset our phones, and find our benefits on the portal. It was slow and long...
Episode 83| Joy with Madeleine Stoll: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This was such a beautiful conversation with one of the most truly joyful people I have ever met, my...
Finding God in Foxholes
Last week, I devoured Fr. Thomas Dubay's Prayer Primer, a book that breaks down the who, what, where, when, why, and how of prayer. It rocked my world. As someone who is always seeking to grow deeper in my prayer life, I took so much from this book for "beginners"...
Episode 82| Kindness with Katie Mittel: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This week's fruit of the spirit? Kindness! And I couldn't think of anyone better to have on than my...
Call Your Mother!!
Today we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, one of the most beautiful feast days in the Church. We all know Mary is the mother of Jesus, who as a very young woman said yes to the Lord in speedy and faithful obedience. Who raised her son, the son of God to be strong and...
Episode 81| Self Control with Bridget Handy: Fruit of the Spirit
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. My girl Bridget is back on the podcast and we're talking about everyone's favorite fruit:...
When Your Emotions Are a Little Tricky to Navigate
There is one question I have received a zillion times this summer: "Are you excited to go back to DC?" The poor people who ask me that are probably just hoping for a quick answer: "Yes, so excited, thanks for asking!" and for the conversation to move forward. But...
Episode 80| Faithfulness with Claire Dwyer: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Welcome to another episode in our Fruit of the Spirit series! Today we're talking faithfulness with...
How to Not Miss God’s Will For Your Life
Everyone who has ever pursued God seriously and made an effort to grow in faith has come up against a very specific question at some point on the journey: What is God's will for my life? How can I be *sure* I am doing it? Monday was the feast day of St. Ignatius of...
Welcome to the Fruit of the Spirit Series!!
I am over the moon to finally share the project I've been working on all summer... Welcome to our Fruit of the Spirit Series! 🍓🍏🍇🍉🍋 Over the next nine weeks, we'll be diving into the Fruit of the Spirit together! I've been drawn to these gifts again and again...
Episode 79| Patience with Schyler Smith: Fruit of the Spirit Series
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. What a gift to welcome my friend Schyler back to the podcast, this time to talk about patience!...
Episode 78| Choose the Bigger Life!
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. Inspired by my recent trip to Yosemite with some friends, I wanted to talk a bit about the value of...
The Perfect Prayer
One of the greatest gifts I have ever received in my life was learning how to pray. Prayer is a weird thing to learn; like riding a bike or swimming or speaking another language, you can only learn by doing. I remember the first time a FOCUS missionary asked me...
Episode 77| How to Get Out of a Funk
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. From time to time, we all find ourselves feeling a little down and distracted – so what are we to do...
There’s No Love Without Trust
Trust is the foundation of our relationship with Jesus. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverb 3:5-6 Without trust, our prayers, our devotions,...
Episode 76| 2023 Word of the Year Updates! With Erica Carnohan
Have you listened to our podcast yet? Find it on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts! A full directory can be found here. This week, E and I sat down to talk about our words of the year (“providence” and “abundance”...
God Knows What He’s Doing!
Happy 4th of July!! I hope you're celebrating the day with friends and family and soaking up some sunshine. I love this holiday because it celebrates freedom, and we know, deep in our souls, that freedom is good. But in the midst of our fireworks and hot dogs, I...